Chapter Three

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A/N: Later in this chapter Ethan asks for Alice's last name. I can't remember what it is, or if I even gave her one, so bear with me here.

Alright, so enjoy, and let me know what you think. 

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Okie Dokie. Thanks for reading!



Chapter Three

I smiled at Peter, "Well, I should be getting to class..."

He nodded, and smiled softly, looking at me from under his thick eyelashes. I felt butterflies in my stomach, and my face began to flush, "Umm, bye." I whispered, before turning on my heels, and quickly walking away with my head down.

What the hell was that? One second I'm crying over my ex, and the next I'm crushing on the new guy!  What's wrong with me? Is that normal? I shook my head, I seriously needed help. I was walking fast, looking at my feet the entire time, so I wasn't paying attention when I ran, yet again, into someone standing in the middle of the hall. I quickly jerked my head up, ready to apologize, when I was taken off guard by the deep green eyes, and shaggy black hair. I stepped back in surprise, and stared wide eyed. 

"Sorry 'bout that." He laughed, rubbing the back of his neck, "I wasn't watching where I was walking." His smile was friendly as he held out his hand, "I'm Ethan, Ethan Moore."

I stared at it, as if it were some sort of alien object. He blushed, and quickly pulled back his hand,

"Well, anyway, I'm new here and have no idea where I am." He smiled sheepishly, and chuckled, "Would you mind pointing me in the direction of Mr. Williams' math class?"

He stood there like a lost puppy, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, looking around aimlessly.

I bit my lip, and looked away, a bit awkwardly. "Actually," I started, "That's where I'm headed, so... You can tag along... if you like?"

He grinned, his eyes bright, "That'd be great!"

I nodded, and began walking down the hall, not stopping to see if he followed.

Great. Just great. I was officially a moron. I decided to ditch the guy as soon as possible. I didn't need a guy in my life right now, I needed time to get over... well, you know. I didn't want to think about it.

"So..." Ethan called, from behind me, "What's your name?"

I paused for a moment, allowing him to catch up to me. I turned to look at him, and bit my lip once more, wondering if telling him was a good idea. Coming to the conclusion that he wasn't something I would have to worry about later, I complied.

"Alice." I turned around and continued the march to class.

Ethan hurried to match my pace, "Ya have last name, Alice?" I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye.

"Chase." I answered, not wasting any words.

"Alice Chase..." Ethan mused, seeming to test the name out. "Nice to meet you." When he smiled his eyes crinkled in an adorable way- No. Not adorable. Shame on me. I shouldn't be thinking things like this. I wasn't going to let it happen ever again. And if that meant I was going to end up old, and alone, with nobody to love but a bunch of cats, then so be it. Cat Lady, here I come.

I ignored Ethan for the rest of the sort walk, while he tried to break the ice. He finally gave up just was we arrived at our destination.

I stepped through the door and made a bee line, straight to my desk which happened to be next to Tiffany's. I was halfway there before I realized that the only other empty seat in this class, was directly behind my own. Perfect. There goes the whole ditch-and-be-done-with plan.

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