Chapter One (Riley's POV)

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Brrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg! The first bell of the day rang as my brave and rebellious BFF, Maya, and I walked to our lockers.

I put in the combo, opened the locker door and took a whiff of the fresh new locker smell. Nothing fresh about it, I thought to myself as I gagged.

"Ready for the school year, Riles?" Maya asked.

"More than ever," I said excitedly. "I remember being in seventh grade and saying,'I can't wait til our senior year.' And now I can't believe it's already here."

"I know, right? This is going to be the best year ever with senior pranks and senior ditch day and ... Riles?" Maya stopped talking when she saw that I wasn't paying attention. I was busy looking at Lucas as he and Farkle strolled down the halls.

Lucas was wearing a purple shirt, dark blue denim jeans, and he finished off the look with his chocolate brown cowboy boots. And Farkle... well... I wasn't really paying much attention to him.

"Hi, Riley," Lucas said as he stretched his neck out and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek. I smiled brightly, feeling an overabundance of joy.

We all took a few minutes to greet one another with nice smiling faces.

"So how was Texas, Ranger Rick?" Maya began to speak, "did you go to all of the hoedowns, talk to all the cows, and eat barbecue ribs?"

Lucas chuckled.

"Maybe we should all go back to Texas during spring break," I suggested.

"That would be fun," Farkle said. He quickly glanced at his watch, "thirty seconds til first hour. Don't want to be late for our first class period of our senior year, do we?"

We all walked to our first hour. As I walked in, I saw that my teacher was... my dad? We both looked at each other with our mouths wide open in shock. "Every year," I said quietly as I walked to my desk in the front of the classroom.

The class bell rang, signalling the start of first period. My dad stood in front of the classroom, looking at the whole class. I could tell he didn't know what to say. Then, to my surprise, he said something, "H-how does this keep happening?"

"You got a job as a senior history teacher. How did you not know that you were gonna end up with us, again?" Maya said.

"Look. I saw a new job, and I went for it. Besides, I like the raise." Dad said smiling like a little kid.

"So you like having the five cent raise?" Lucas said.

Dad stood in front of the classroom, speechless. He turned around and faced the black board.

He went on and on and on about history stuff. To be totally honest, I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy doodling in my notebook with my sparkly gel pens. But something my dad had said caught my attention.

"Ah. Ms. Bradford, welcome back," he said as he took the pass out of her hand.

Missy Bradford, I thought angrily to myself. I couldn't believe that she was back. I hadn't seen her since seventh grade, when she had a monstrous crush on Lucas. I mean, I totally understood why. With his gorgeous eyes, lovely brown hair, and his bright smile that would light up the whole room. Oh I hope she still doesn't have a huge crush on him.

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