Fall of Man

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It was finally Autumn. Orochimaru's favorite season. The smell of fallen leaves and cinnamon filled his nose whenever he stepped out of his apartment building in the city. It was as if every shop in town was a candy factory pumping out cinnamon spiced sweets and pumpkin bread. Such beautiful scents made even a cold snake like him warm inside. Orochimaru's mood would even change during the fall. Instead of the usual serious, stern, and gloomy, his coworkers at the research facility and friends would get a sweet and kind gentleman. He was hardly recognizable with his new attitude. Even the way he dressed would change around this time. On the outside looking in, he would seem like just some fall fanatic; a weirdo that likes the smell of cinnamon and pumpkin spice lattes, but harbors an inconceivable amount of hatred for socializing and people in general.

Of course, for those who truly got to know the snake man, the true meaning for his love for the Autumn season goes way deeper than leaves, scents, and coffee.

During the fall, the sunlight hits the tree leaves in the park just right, bouncing effortlessly off of them, dripping their beautiful golden rays of honey onto...him. His bronzed skin glows under the sunlight like a lantern, with the wind-stirred leaves offering a flicker to his flame. His messy white hair that never leaves the ponytail he keeps it in billows behind him with every gust of wind. God is real, he thinks at the sight. Jiraiya.

The two of them have spoken a few times. It was always just fleeting conversations about the weather or how crazy the traffic had been that week. Orochimaru was way too awkward to try to act normal for more than a minute or two of conversation. The few minutes they spend together and the freedom to gaze at the beauty that is Jiraiya was enough for him.

This small talk went on for a couple of months before Jiraiya, one cold morning, piped up about it. "I'm getting kind of bored, sir," he said to the snake-like man before him in the park.

"What do you mean?" Orochimaru's heart started picking up speed in his chest. What does he mean? Does he want me to leave him alone?

"All we ever talk about is the weather and traffic." Jiraiya chuckled at the realization. "It's just a little boring talking so formal, don't you think so?"

"Oh, well, I dont really know..." Orochimaru's voice broke and he trailed off. His hands started feeling rather clammy and his throat felt like sandpaper. Oh dear. I've been bothering him this whole time, he thought frantically. Should I apologize? Orochimaru looked to the ground as if to search for what to say to make everything alright.

"What I'm saying, Mr. Orochimaru, is that you seem like a nice guy. Why don't I take you out for lunch tomorrow and we talk more informally?"

Orochimaru's face could not mask his surprise. His eyes grew wide like saucers and the sides of his mouth tugged at a timid smile. "I would be delighted," he said just barely containing his composure.

"Nice! So it's a date then?" Jiraiya gave a sly smile at Orochimaru's reaction to his kind gesture.

Orochimaru's face grew hot, and he prayed that the heat wouldn't show through his near translucent pale skin. "Yes."

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