chapter 4; Back To The Woods

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I run inside and hurry up the stairs, ignoring the text from my brother telling me he's going to walk home after skateboarding with his friends.

I pace the attic. My mind is racing. Why the hell did I leave him there? I feel trapped, suffocated again.

Calm down. He's just a boy. You've spoken to him once. You're a disaster, he wouldn't dance with death.. no one would. Do what you always do, stop caring. Show no emotion. Let. It. The. Fuck. Go, Wendy!

I take a deep breath and scroll through Tumblr to calm down. Perhaps Linkin Park can drown Oliver out out of my head..


Hours later, the sun is bound to set in an hour or so and I make a decision. I need to find him. The only actual thing I can connect to where he'd be right now is the woods. I really don't know why he was in the forest at night but hopefully, he finds an addictive solace there. I grab my phone, which is fully charged, and a flashlight just in case. I pass my mother sitting at the table on my way out the door and let her know of my whereabouts to receive an 'okay' and nothing more. It's funny how isolated my family is..

I cross my backyard and walk until I'm a step away from the trees, seeming to be artfully spaced sporadically, mystery lurking amongst them.

Please be here.

I take a step forward. I try to remember if I walked completely straight that night and I figure it doesn't matter, really, because chances are Oliver won't be exactly placed where he was anyways.. I scan the area, hoping to see a tattooed boy with adorable semi-curly hair somewhere amongst the green pine trees.

I find a stump further on and take a seat. No luck yet and I feel I'm deeper into the woods than I should be. If only I could see the magic hanging in the air where we met the way it's been hanging inside my head for the past week and a half.

I wait for about ten minutes before just aimlessly wandering around the forest for awhile. It's been 30 minutes.. I should give up. I was stupid to think he'd return to the forest for safety. What if he's not okay?

I turn back towards my house and start my journey back. The worst part is, I can't get rid of the emptiness I feel..

Sarah texts me yet another apology this week that's obviously fake:

Hey Wendy.. I'm really sorry. Just answer when you get the chance.. are you okay?

No, I'm really not. I delete the message and continue walking.

I sigh in a heavy way, one full of thoughts raining down on the parade I never had inside my mind, when the outskirts of the woods come into view.

"Hey.." a voice speaks quietly behind me. That voice. I spin around and Oliver's behind me. Dressed in black ripped jeans, headphones around his neck and a black hoodie, he looks as good as he always does aside from the new markings from today, which hurt me more than it hurt him. His arms are bruised and his forehead displays dried blood. I feel myself shatter.

"Why'd yeh run?" He asks, with sad eyes.

I pause, not knowing how to answer, "I.. run from everything" I don't hide the pain in my voice.

His eyes are shy and they can't keep holding my gaze, instead looking more towards the ground, almost zoning out.

I step towards him, looking up at his forehead. My fingertips gently greet his (most likely) soon to be scar.

"Can I take you to my attic and we can clean you up?" I say quietly, trying to be as casual as possible.

"Uh sure.." he blushes just a little bit, something I wouldn't notice if I weren't so close to his face.

"Okay" I sort of whisper. Neither of us moves though and my eyes flick down to his snake bites (it's an AU. He can fucking have snake bites) for two seconds before spinning around and walking in the direction of my house. Oliver catches up with me.

"Yeh don't have to do this, yeh know?"

"Yeh I fooking knuh. It's whut I do fur yeh cuz I care about yeh" I say, teasing him about his accent. I smile at him to let him know I'm not serious. He blushes just a little bit and shyly smiles.

"Okay this is going to sound crazy.. we need to get onto the roof and climb thorough that slanted window. Follow me"

After I climb onto the roof, he follows and I kind of realize that probably hurts him considering he just got beat up.

We sit on the roof for a few minutes, as the sky was beginning to darken and is actually pretty beautiful. I take him inside. He looks around, fascinated by my band posters, fairy lights, and one item in particular.

"Why is there a colored deer head on your wall?"

"Uh why wouldn't there be a colored deer head on my wall?" I smile at him and take in his features but he doesn't notice, too distracted by my attic, "now, let's get your face cleaned up"

He trails behind me as I head into the bathroom. I wet a cotton ball with rubbing alcohol and as I go to dab at his forehead with it, he flinches, which kills me. I take it he's all too familiar with negative touch.

"Sorry.." he awkwardly manages a small smile.

"You're fine"

Afterwards, we sit on my futon.

"You like Nirvana?" I ask.

"Of course."

"Okay" I get up and play Smells Like Teen Spirit.

"Have they always bullied you?"

"Eh, it happens a lot. I'm used to it. It's not just them." He fiddles with his hands in his lap.

"I'm so sorry."

He looks up at me, kind of surprised, "are you kidding? I deserve all of it, trust me."

"No you don't, Oli." He held my gaze.

"But you don't even know me"

My daily thoughts.

"Now's a good time to start."


Thanks so much for reading! Vote and comment? :) love you

I should be asleep buuutttt.... I'd rather write xD anyone relate?? XD


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