Chapter 4

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- in the dining hall -
Michelle walks over to a table and sits down. Kassandra come over with some other girls. "Hey Michelle this is Sara and Kara hollows, Bailey Luck, Britanny Mayland, and Samantha Ross." Kassandra says introducing them to me. " Hi I'm Michelle Lynch," she says with a small smile. Then everyone got really quite. 

A lady that looks about 40 or so speaks at the front of the room. "Hello my name is Miss Winter and you will follow these rules; rule one: the forest is OFF LIMITS, rule two: no staying out after 8pm, and rule three: is to be prepared for anything at all times." She says then exits the room.

"Well that was kind of strange don't you guys think," Michelle asks her friends. They all nod there heads in agreement. After lunch we go back to our rooms.

Michelle gets her school stuff ready whisking she could call Phill, but the girls can't have phones here for protection. So she grabs her books she's reading lately and continued to read while heading outside to a tree and sat under it. Then she hears something coming towards her.....

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