Chapter One

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It was early, I felt my mother shake my arm to wake me up.
"Come on sweetie, time for school."
I looked up at her and smiled
"Good morning mom"
I stood up and stretched as a few of my joints popped. I yawned and felt as my fangs came down past my lips, I licked the front of them and sat down on the bed. Mom had left the room so I took off my sleeping pants and changed into a pair of black skinny jeans. I grabbed a black hoodie and threw it on over the T- shirt I wore. Next I slipped on a pair of shoes and went into the living room to see my best friend Cage waiting for me.
"What's up bud?" He asked
He looked over to me and smiled revealing one broken fang on his left side. He had broken his fang when he decided to talk back to a human police officer and was beaten half to death.
"Not much getting ready to go to school, are you comming today?" I asked while picking up my backpack which laid next to the door.
"Nah, I think I'll stay home today."
Cage had been living with us for the last year so he could help keep the house clean while we were out. Even though he's only twenty years older then me he act as though he's all grown up.
"Whatever you say, can I have a smoke while I'm waiting for the bus?"
"Just make sure to put it out before they pull up, you know that human is an asshole and will find any excuse to skip your stop." He flung a cigarette over to me and I caught it in my right hand. I pulled a blue lighter out of my pocket and lit the it. Smoke slowly wafted into the and I inhailed deeply then exhaled quickly.
"I will, thanks man see ya later."
"See ya."
I walked outside and went to the street corner which was covered in cracks and moss. I looked across the street to see the other sidewalk which was new and clean. On that corner sat several human boys with two or three girls. My house was almost directly on the edge of the ghetto, which was good, but also bad due to the fact of...
"Hey vamp!!!"
"Yeah you! Vampire kid!!! Do you have to dress like such a faggot or is it just you?" Shouted one of the kids across the street.
Him and his friends snickered and I looked at the ground.
"I have to wear dark cloth so that when the sun comes out I don't start burning..." I mumbled.
"Oh sure, I bet your just one of those emo kids who cut themselves, ya fuckin emo shit!"
His friends continued laughing and so did he.
"There's no point to cutting myself... if I did it would just heal immediately..." I replied still looking down.
"Are you trying to act tough or something?" He said standing up straighter and puffing out his chest. I kept looking at the ground and took a hit off my cigarette. He started to walk across the street and I slightly glanced up.
"Why don't you look at me when I talk you punk?" He said as he shoved me. I took a step back and he missed. I continued to smoke as he stumbled from the failed attempt to push me. His friends laughed at him and one of them suggested he fight me. He looked at me again.
"Maybe I will" he said.
I looked down again and saw my cigarette was almost burned out. I dropped it and pressed my shoe against it. I heard the boy approach me and with the corner of my eye I saw his fist raise. He threw a fist at my head, I jolted my head away causing him to stumble again. This time he tripped and fell off the curd onto a knee. I could almost feel the frustration he had. He stood up and began to throw fist after fist at me until finally i got tired and annoyed and began to walk away. I didn't need the bus pulling up and thinking i started a fight... today it might be better to just walk to school. The boy started to run after me but before he could catch up I jumped into the air and softly landed on the roof of a building I took off into a jog and was out of sight before the boy even knew what happened. People like that just irritate me, they think that they are stronger and smarter then me when really all the are... are foolish cattle... no, no I don't mean that... they just piss me off sometime.
I arrived at school and went to the cafeteria. There were about fifty or sixty kids inside, a lot of which were sitting at tables either sleeping or talking. I strolled over to a table by the corner and sat down by myself. I set my head down and closed my eyes when suddenly the table shook slightly I jolted up and starred to see if it was the boy from ealier... instead it was a girl.
"Why are you sitting all by yourself?" She asked.
"No one wants to sit with me could be one reason" I said with a little bit of a snarl to my voice.
"Well do you care if I do?"
She pulled out a chair and sat down and starred at me.
"What's your name?"
I looked up and she smiled with big blue eyes and her black hair covering one.
"You don't look like a Ryan, you seem like you'd have a fancier name."
"You have no idea what I am do you?" I glanced up at her and flashed my fangs slightly.
"Everyone knows what you are" she laughed slightly "your a vamp"
"Why ain't ya scarred..."
She smiled and held out her hand for me to shake. I did and I took it, she looked at me.
"I'm not scarred of you because I'm a vamp too." She smiled big and showed off her fangs. They were small which means they were just starting to grow in.
"You were bit?"
"How can you tell?"
I motioned to her fangs.
"If you were born a vampire your teeth would be at there maximum size by now, yours are just starting to get longer."
She grinned "They get bigger??"
I couldn't help but to look into her eyes which were almost popping out of her head.
"Where are you getting so much energy from this early?" I asked.
She giggled "Vamp or not I still am a very lively person!"
I chuckled
"that's sweet" I stood up and turned my back toward her
"see how long that acts when other people find out what you are..."
I walked away and looked back to see a stunned look on her face, it was one of fear and confusion... I felt horrible for the girl... what she would go through when word got out that she was a vamp... ugh so what, it isn't my problem why am I worried about it? The bell rang for first period and I walked to History class... worst class of the day.

Note from Jack- Hey hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter. Incase your wondering why there isn't a description of what Ryan looks like it's because I put a picture of him on the cover. Anyways enjoy the rest of the book and let me know what you think X3 peace!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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