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It was Friday night. Family night. My favorite night of the week. One night of the week my mom, my dad, and I would spend the entire night just having fun and watching movies. Except this Friday there was none of that. This Friday well more specifically 5 hours ago I heard the most tragic news I would have thought possible. My parents were dead. Since I found out I haven't moved a muscle. Well that may be a bit dramatic because I moved to sit down. But you get my point.

My heart ached to see my parents again. To say one last goodbye. Give them one last kiss on the cheek. One last family night.

But now? That was impossible. All because of one drunk driver and one green light. Maybe if my parents had waited one more second they wouldn't be dead right now. We would be sitting here on the couch having family night.

Everything is changing now. My life. My home. Everything. Maybe this will be good. I mean I obviously can't stay here. Maybe this is exactly what I need. No. What am I thinking? This is not what I need. What I need is my parents. But I'm never gonna see them again.

I am Tylar Blake. And this is how my life changed in the amount of less than 24 hours.

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