Chapter One

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Life is like a rollercoaster. It has its ups and downs. It has its happiness and terror. But it always goes on. No matter if you want it to or not.

That was what I was living on these next few weeks that passed. Grief. One of the many emotions that I felt. Anger. Also another emotion that I felt. I felt anger because they were making me move. Move away from my friends.

To move in with someone who doesn't even know me. All the way across the country to live in Berkeley, a small city in California. Yes I did my research. And according to them I was leaving in exactly twelve hours. That's all I had left to say good bye. Then I was leaving forever. Well until I turn eighteen then I could do whatever. I could leave if I wanted to when I graduate.

At that thought I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door to see the lady who was taking care of me until I left. "Your social worker is here. She said that your flight was taking off early. And that you were leaving early."

I heaved a sigh. I really didn't want to leave. But I guess it was now or never. "Alright just let me get my things and I'll be right out." She nodded her head and walked away. I was glad that she always gave me space. Like she knew what I was going through.

As soon as I finished getting my things together I walked downstairs. In only a few hours I was going to be living with my aunt and uncle in Berkeley. Hopefully this wouldn't be like Harry Potter. Wouldn't that be creepy?

In a matter of seconds which was probably more like an hour, we arrived at the airport. In all honesty I was terrified. Terrified that they wouldn't like me. That the second they saw me they would ship me back here.

If they do, well they do. I don't have the power to stop them so I'm just going to make the best of it.

As soon as I stepped off of the plane I went to receive my luggage from the baggage claim. It wasn't that difficult to find my suitcase seeing as its a pastel purple with grey
polka dots on it. I walked outside seeing as my aunt wasn't in there.

Even though she said she would be. It doesn't matter. Through all that I've been through these past few days I've learned not to count on anyone but my own self. Its easier this way.

As I was waiting for them to get here I sat on the curb that I was closest to. I took out my phone and plugged in my earphones and listened to music. The first song that came on was Hello by Adele. I mean come on who doesn't love that song?

It wasn't soon after the song ended that a car pulled up. Turns out it was my uncle. When he opened the door and got out I stood up and grabbed my suitcase. "Here let me take that for you. You must be exhausted. Because of your flight I mean."

I hated to admit it but the plane ride did make me tired. So I just nodded my head. "Well the house is only about ten minutes away. I'm sorry for being late. We were finishing your surprise." I didn't know that they were making me a surprise. I felt obligated to oppose the idea. "You guys didn't have to give me a surprise. I don't need it."

He just smiled at me. "I'm pretty sure you're going to to need this one." It was like he knew something that I didn't. So I just smiled back and walked to the car.

He was right. It was about a ten minute ride. I knew that they weren't poor but when he pulled up to the house my breath was taken away. It was beautiful. It was a two story house. With a balcony on one of the rooms upstairs.

"Are you ready for your surprise?" I was stunned into silence by the beauty of the house, so all I could do was nod my head yes.

He led me into the house and took his shoes off by the front door. I followed his actions and took my shoes off too. "Alright follow me. I'm going to show you your surprise." He told me. "Where's aunt Lori?" I couldn't help but be curious as per usual. "She's waiting for us upstairs."

As we walked upstairs I heard two things. One was scratching on a door which actually sounded like a dog. And the second was some banging. I have no idea what either of them were. So when he opened the door I was definitely surprised when a baby husky jumped on me. I looked down and picked up the cute little puppy.

When I looked up again I saw my aunt with some old jeans and a worn out T-shirt on with paint splatters all over it. I set the puppy down and ran over to my aunt and hugged the life out of her. Even though I barely knew her she was the only one who kind of knew what I was going through. She lost her sister and I lost my mom.

She looked down at me and held my face in her hands. "Oh my. You've grown up so much. You look so much like your mom." I've been told that all my life. I used to hate everyone telling me that. But's all I have left of her. Well besides some of her jewelry that I took from her jewelry box.

She wiped my tears with her thumbs and said "alright so I know that you're tired which is why we were hurrying to finish up your room. If you want to shower your bathroom is right there." She pointed to a certain part of my room. "And if you'd like you can unpack. You can come down and eat with us or not. Its up to you. Um...I think that's it." She kissed my forehead and walked out of the room. I walked over to my bed and laid down and quickly welcomed the dark abyss of sleep.


Hey! Sorry it took me awhile for this update. I've been sick and I couldn't get my thoughts together. I'm really hoping that you guys like this book. Leave a comment of what you think and vote below. Thanks for being so patient.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2015 ⏰

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