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"NO! Jimmy protested!" I yell from the screen, I hear someone laughing from the door way of my dressing room, I turn surprised to see Liam standing behind me "those were the days" he laughs again, I lock my phone and put it in my pocket as I turn around proper to talk to Liam "sure were mate" I half smile back, there's a awkward silence "... Err when'd you get in 'ere ?" I ask "just then, not that long ago" "oh .. Okay well what can I do you for?" I ask "nothin' just came to see how you were after tonight's show?" "Yeah, I'm good mate, Ya self?" "Yeah, good mate" Liam replies with a blank expression "what's made you look up the diaries anyway?" He continued after s second or two walking away from the doorway to sit down on a seat across the room near me.

I look down to my lap then back at Liam "err.. Nothing ' really, I was just going through Twitter and saw  a err.. A link and clicked it, and it was to that video" I lie, I didn't want Liam to know I was looking up the diaries, he'd believe me, he was sort of gullible like that.
"Oh right... Well um we gotta leave in ten, I was told to tell you actually"  "oh right, thanks mate... I won't be long just drying off then I'll be with everyone" I say dully, with a convincing smile.
Liam smiles back "it's all good mate, I don't think either of the other boys are really rushing" he laughs "but anyway I'll leave ya to it, see ya in a few tommo" he continues "alright bye" I say as Liam gets up and leaves my dressing room, closing the door behind him.
Usually Harry and I share a dressing room but lately we've had our own dressing rooms, it's big and empty without sharing a room with Harry... And it kind of sucks too because Harry really has a thing with styling things, I haven't the slightest clue, my dressing room looks like a bomb hit it, Harry's is pretty pristine and stylish, black drapes, plants ... Guess his last name suits his personality, I laugh to myself.

All of a sudden someone sticks their head in around the door "five minutes tommo" a security guard says then leaves "yep " I reply

I grab my towel and quickly dry myself  off and switch my shirt to a tank top, I also spray myself with some deodorant, grab my stuff and leave the room. Outside the room I bump into a someone who takes me to where everyone else is, then we all head to the tour bus, there are fans everywhere and lots of flashing cameras(as usual) .
Behind me a few feet is Niall, Liam is in front a few feet and Harry is somewhat lonered with security and all that way at the back, he stopped as much as he could like usual to take photos with fans, that boy is TOO nice sometimes ...

Niall soon catches up with me, he puts his arm around my shoulders as we walk " ey' nialler!" I stretch out his name in a content tone "tommo" he replies in his usual happy go lucky tone with a bit of bounce to his step "you seem to be in a good mood ?" I reply "yeah" he says smiling "I don't know, I'm still buzzing from the show I guess" he laughs "it was a good crowd tonight ! I can't believe we sold out Wembley again! Little things, when everyone pulled out their cellphone lights... That was amazin' !" He exclaims ecstatically "I know!" I laugh putting my hand on his back.

"Louiiiiiiiiis!! Louis!!!" I hear fans scream, I look over in their direction, they scream louder "oh my god! He looked at me!" The girls scream "bye loves, stay safe" I shout back to them.

"Great show tonight" another girl shouts "thank you!" Niall responds.
"Alright girls, back away now" a security guard says as we continue to walk, everyone is in hysterics, I wish I could go back and walk with Harry but I'm not allowed to ... I sigh, sooner we get back to the bus the better... I hate management ! I honestly don't care what the fans think like ... If they think Harry and I are dating then let them think that... Harry and me both know the truth of what going on everyone does, but if the media knew, apparently we'd lose fans - this losing money and no- management wouldn't like that! I sigh again frustrated.

Niall looks at me concerned "what's wrong lad?" "Nothin' just frustrated"  "what over?" "Management... They strain the friendships and relationships of all of us in the band! When did music become more about our personal lives rather than the music?! I'm so sick of pretending to be someone I'm not because management thinks it's the right thing to do! I don't fucking care anymore! I can't even walk with certain people now without management being on my back!" I say as we get into a car that will take us to the tour bus, Niall sits beside me and Liam sits in front of me, Harry takes a completely different car... Of course!

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