Zayn Malik: Romantic Imagine

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You and your boyfriend Zayn had escaped away for a weekend alone. Although you missed the other lads a lot as they were your best friends you, still took the chance to be alone with Zayn before he went away on tour.

He took you to a flashy hotel, and when you pulled up at the front doors there were at least 200 screaming girls, waiting for you two to get out of the car.

"I'm so sorry I didn't expect anyone to know we were coming here we can go somewhere else if you want?" Zayn asks you, but you shake your head and say "It's okay."

You get out of the car and you instantly go deaf from all the sound.

"EWW. She's so ugly Zayn! Why are you dating HER!" You hear someone scream.

"YEAH!" Others agree and soon everyone is making comments about you. You had always been insecure about the way you looked. You run into the hotel and Zayn grabs your hand

"I'm so sorry about them" He whispers in your ear as he pulls you into a hug, you just shake your head and step away as you don't feel like being near anyone right now.

Zayn goes to get your room keys, then you take the lift up to the very top floor, you have the pent house suite. You put all of your bags away, and sit down on the couch, "I'm going to take a shower." Zayn calls from the bathroom and you just sit there staring blankly at the wall.

Before you know it you had tears streaming down you face, you tried to wipe them away but the just kept coming so you left them. After a while you had curled up into a little ball and felt arms rap around you, "Y/N talk to me". You just shake your head and keep crying "Listen. I think that you are the most perfect most wonderful and beautiful girl i have ever met and I wouldn't leave you for anyone else".

You sit up and hug Zayn back "Thank you" You say through your tears but start to smile because you really do have the most perfect boyfriend ever!

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