Don't Let Me Go

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Hi guys! This is my first chapter of my new story Don't Let Me go. Obviasly it was named for Harry's new song. This is my first story on Wattpad! I am planning to make this a Larry/Ziam story :) thanks for reading and comment if you like it! also if you like it please vote it up it really helps thanks! <3

(none of these events are real far as i know, and I dont own one direction and probably never will :P)

When you love something, set it free. And if it comes back, you know it was truly yours.


I awoke to the sound of a slamming door and something being thrown downstairs. I groaned and rolled over glancing at the clock. 3:15am. Louis just got home and he didn’t seem very happy. I sat upright rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. Lazily I stood up and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. Louis and I used to share a flat until he moved out because modest made him. They claimed the “gay rumors” were getting out of hand.

  However in the last few months Modest has really been riding everyone in the band. Saying that we have to be perfect and it’s really getting to us…especially Louis. He got so fed up with Modest he moved back in with me, I knew it was temporary but still I loved having my boobear living with me again.

I quietly walked down the stairs of our three room flat. Stepping down into the living room, I made my way across the carpeted floor until my bare feet reached the linoleum floor that was our kitchen.

Then I saw him.

Louis was sitting crisscross on the counter. His eyes were swollen and red, in his lap was a cup of tea freshly made. He probably thought I wouldn’t wake up.

  “Hey Lou?” I said looking into his deep blue eyes, water threatening to spill out of them.

He wouldn’t look at me, he kept his eyes on the ground.

“She did it Haz…she broke up with me and I…” he stopped his voice breaking

“Louis…don’t” I said softly my right hand cupping his cheek. He let his tears fall softly as I wiped them away with my thumb. Pulling him into my chest. I could feel him breathing against me. I could feel his heart beat against mine, his small cold hands were placed on my chest as if he was about to push me away but I clung to him. For so many reasons I clung to this broken boy, letting him weep into my chest. His tears soaking my t-shirt. His sobs came out loud making me wince as they rocked his whole body. Slowly I gathered his legs and neck holding him in my protective cradle. I felt him turn his head into my stomach trying to hide his tear stained face from me. I sat him upright but he still refused to look up. I tilted his head up softly. Gazing into his deep blue eyes, drawing his face closer to mine. “Louis she wasn’t good for you, she never was.” I whispered his face just inches from my own. His breath hit my lips as he breathed out roughly, still shaking from the sobbing. “I can be your everything.” I breathed softly before I pressed my lips into his.

His lips connected with mine moving in harmony. His rough lips against my own soft ones, I breathed him in, my mouth opening slightly letting him control me after our tongues fought for dominance. It was bliss, pure bliss. I was kissing Louis Tomlinson. Wait, I was kissing Louis Tomlinson.

  I felt him hesitate as I did when my realization hit. He pulled his lips from mine looking slightly disgusted. What was that about? He kissed me back… He looked at me confusion riddled in with his features.

“No.” he whispered looking at the ground. “No!” he repeated raising he voice and scrambling down from the counter moving away from me.

“Louis I’m sorry.” I said getting off the counter as well, walking to him my arm extended. “I don’t know what came over me” I tried comforting him.

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