Chapter 3- Shiny

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Hey guys! :D
I'm here again. Haha.
You doing fine? I sure hope so. :)

So here it is.

But prepare for a lot of swearing, though. But I have my reasons, I swear. So don't hate me.


Mysterious Dude's POV

I woke up with a terrible head ache in a freaking Saturday morning. If you're thinking that it's because of a hangover, then you're wrong.

Fucking, damn wrong.

"If I got locked away, and we lost it all today, tell me honestly would you still love me the same?" Someone yelled on top of their lungs.

Must be my freaking neighbor again.

Argh. Hangovers are much way better than this.

"Just relax, man. It'll be over soon. Just zone it out and go back to sleep 'cause you need it. You did not get enough sleep last night, thinking about that girl. Just bear it for a few more minutes." I tried to calm myself down and snuggled closer to my bed, if that was even humanly possible.

That's right. I've been up all night because of that girl. I mean, Giselle. The girl who sassed on me. The girl who made me laugh despite of what happened last night. The girl who cried and shared her problems with me, making me look back at my old self back then, when I am also in the same situation.

Jeez, stop mopping around. Past is past. Just fucking move on, okay?

Yep, that's right.

"If I told you my flaws, if I couldn't be strong, tell me honestly, would you still love me the same?"

The stupid person's voice snapped me back to reality.

He, (judging by his voice) seemed to be high as his voice got louder as seconds ticked by.

Hey, that rhymed.

"Fucking son of a bitch." I muttered under my breath then opened my eyes, sleep has completely left me.

Everything around me spun as I abruptly sat up from my bed and ran my hands through my hair, hoping it would calm my nerves down.

But who am I kidding. I'm already boiling with rage now.

His horrendous voice got worse and worse as time passes by. At first, it just sounded like a strangled cat, but now it has transformed into a demented whale calling for its mate while suffering from a massive sore throat.

That bad.

I know there's no way I can go back to sleep now, but dude, can you at least spare me my ears?

I climbed out of my bed hastily,  making me stumble a little bit and sprinted towards my bathroom.

I can't take it anymore. I need a break and I love my ears and I still want it intact with my body.

As I neared the bathroom, the singing became louder, so I sprinted faster.

I twisted the doorknob and immediately opened the door.

But what a surprise when I saw a naked butt, shining with all its glory as water trickled down it.

Sorry if I judged you, neighbor. My deepest apologies.

Holy. Macaroni.

Wait. He seemed familiar.

"Tell me would you really cry for me? Baby don't lie to me. If I didn't have anything, I wanna know would you stick around?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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