Chapter 1

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"I wonder what I should wear today." Nikki thought to herself while prancing around her bedroom. She was in lala land. 


"Ooo, haven't worn this yet!" She grabbed her new denim button down that she was dying to buy yet it hasn't left her closet.


Nikki shook out of her self-absorbed hunt for the perfect last-day-of-school outfit. "Yesss?" she called downstairs. She really hated yelling across the house but she was too far along in her search to be bothered with whatever her mother wanted at the time. Don't get her wrong. She absolutely adored her mother who was a very strong woman.  Carol could handle anything that came her way including the divorce of her insane ex-husband also known as dad. And working from home as an artist gave her the ability to conquer all household and motherly duties. Except for one. 

"How do you work this thing?"

"Mom, it's called the internet." Nikki giggled as she trotted down the stairs to see what was the problem. She was amazed at how her mother, who knew it all, failed to understand the basics of a router and modem.

"Yeah, that. What's wrong with it? I have to send this portfolio in tonight and I don't have time for a virus or spam or anything else." This was one of the only times Carol asked for help from her daughter. Nikki kind of liked it but she wouldn't dare admit it to her mom.

 "Well here's the problem." Nikki knelt down to see that everything was properly connected but the green light on the router was blinking. "I'll just reset this and you'll be good to go."

"Aww, thanks! You're a lifesaver" Carol sighed in relief. "I don't know why they insist on a digital copy of my work. It's so much better in person. You get the full effect, ya know?" Carol shook her head and tapped her chin with her index finger in bewilderment.

"Agreed. Your work is awesome." Nikki patted her mom on the back and gave a reassuring smile as the mail fell through the dropbox of the door.

"Oh, will you get that honey?" Carol asked with a sweet smile. "I need to finish up here."

Nikki reluctantly gave a nod and approached the door. She never liked checking the mail these days. Well, more like for the past five years. Every time the mail came, that memory engulfed her, "Come back" she mentally shuttered.

Without bothering to skim through it, she handed the mail to her mother and prepared to dash for the stairs with the lame excuse to picking out clothes for tomorrow. "So, what did we get today?" Carol asked as if she didn't notice her daughter’s uneasy demeanor.

 "I don't know." Nikki handed over the mail. "Well, gotta get..."

"Ohh, look here" She held a light blue envelop over her shoulder since her daughter was already half way to the stairs. Nikki knew that envelop but never made the mistake of opening it ever again. Not after she did it once and her heart sunk into her chest at the tender age of ten. There was no return address so there was no way to trace it's source but both Nikki and her mother had a hunch for who the sender was.

"I'd really rather not" Nikki opposed. She knew that her mother was well aware of her thoughts towards things like this but mom always saw the bright side of things. For a quick second, Nikki wished she was more like her mom in that aspect. Yeah, she obtained the artistic gene, but Nikki had a real problem with grudges and could hold them forever. Well, at least for five years.

Although she was concerned, Carol understood her daughter's point of view. "Ok dear. You go get ready for tomorrow. I know your excited. The last day of your freshmen year of high school. Wow." she lowered the envelope in front of her then laid it in her lap. For a moment, she just looked at it. Emotions began to emerge but she didn't shed a single tear. She just sat there in deep thought. Then a sprout of happiness overcame her as she ripped open the envelope. This is when Nikki jotted up the stairs before the contents could be revealed. She wanted nothing to do with it. She wanted nothing to do with him. And she definitely didn't want to see him.

 As Carol removed the photograph from it's envelop, she smiled. The type of smile that seems like you're trying to hold it back but it reality your just so happy that you feel the urge to cry yet it won't come out. That's the smile she gave the photograph of her son before soon discovering a letter. This was odd. She's never received a letter along with the previous photographs.

Hi mom. It's me. You've probably been wondering exactly who has been sending you these pictures of me every year. Well it was actually dad. I think he felt a little guilty for what he did and how he did it. But, this particular picture is from your one and only son. I'll have to tell you about dad later.  I can only imagine how much you are hurting from not being able to see me or raise me but I think he just wanted to send those pictures as reassurance of me being okay. I'm actually better than okay now because I have a surprise for you and Nicole. I'm coming to visit really soon now that I've graduated high school! I'm starting college in the fall and I figure I could stay with you two during the summer since I'm a man and all and can leave home now. haha. Well I also have a lot to tell you once I get there. Sorry, I wasn't able to include a letter or anything along with the previous pictures of me but now we can move forward. Love you. And tell chubby cheeks I said I love her too. I bet she'll be ecstatic to see me! 


After reading the name, Carol exhaled and realized she held been holding her breath since reading 'Hi mom'.  Her eyes began to water. She could feel her heart racing. She didn't know if it was pure joy or confusion or both, but the smile she had when first seeing the photo vanished as she sobbed. Her emotions overwhelmed her as she laid her head on her desk with her arms failing to prop her forehead. 

"Ugh, she's so dramatic." Nikki rolled her eyes as she stood before her bedroom mirror holding up a rust colored sundress against her golden skin. It complimented her perfectly. "It's just a picture." she mumbled to herself unaware of the total contents of the envelop. A picture of the person she wanted nothing to do with. Her feelings for her brother had vanished a long time ago after she realized he had the choice of staying with her and he chose to not. "How could he do that do me?" the question suddenly came to her mind. She shook her head vigorously. "I don't need him. I have my mother and my bestie. I'm good." she said to herself as she fell backwards onto her bed without letting go of the dress. She stared at the ceiling for a few seconds. Wondering what the world would be like without men. No cheaters, no liars, no heartbreakers or heartbreakees. What a world that would be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2015 ⏰

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