Chapter 1:

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A bird flies overhead in the meadow i sit in, a peacefilled place in my home of District 12, green and blooming with new and age old life. My name is Allie, my father would take me to this meadow to draw, sketch, paint, anything. My fathers name is Peeta Mellark, a victor of not only one but two Hunger Games, the 74, and the third Quarter Quell, the 75th. Same with my mother, Katniss Everdeen-Mellark, a victor of the games the same as those of my father. I also have a brother named Walker, which as we have been told, is my mother's , fathers name. My brother is 12 years old and ultimately afraid for his life because about a month ago, President Paylor declared that there would be one last Hunger Games, due to the fact that there was a vote that there should be one last Quarter Quell...and reaping day is tomarrow. It will be his and my own first reaping and i am going to do whatever it takes to protect him, even if that means risking my own life. He is my whole world, and by the stories ive heard about the games, i could never put him in such a terrible place. Just as i drift off into thought about tomarrow, i hear footsteps and jerk up immediately, expecting to see my dad, but seeing my boyfriend Levi instead. Levi is at least 6 feet tall, has light brown hair and chocolate colored eyes that i absolutely adore and fall into everytime i look at them.

"Hey," he says with a cute smile, "Didn't know you would be here," i returned. " Didn't know you wouldn't ask me to do everytime but this time i hadn't heard from you...was gettin' kinda worried Aim." Aim is a nickname Levi gave me a few years ago. We where makeing small talk about our initials and then we brought up marriage, my last name being his,Talon. "I like my last name," i told him. "Im just saying, what if it was a little different?" " Maybe in 20 years Levi," i said with a slight laugh. " Allie Mellark-Talon...i like it," he said "Shut-up Levi!!!", i said while playfully hitting his arm. There was a slight pause as we sit on our little rock seat deep in the woods of District 12. I break the silence by saying " If i had my moms last name, it would be Allie would you pronounce that to male it sound cool?" " Maybe you could pronounce it like you try to do with that bow and arrow of yours!!!" And from then stook with me. For a minute i think over what to say next...i just needed time to think and should have known he would find me here, but all i say is "Just needed some time to think for myself, in the quiet...thats all." He looks at me with his depth filled eyes, sending chills down my spine...i look back at him and know my voice must have been the slightest bit worried or at least had a tone of it. "You're afraid about tomarrow huh..." "Yeah...i mean kinda...but i know both mine and walker's names are only in once..." I trail off my sentance, cut off by a groan from Levi. " What!!!" i almost yell... Levi looks at me and says " Allie, please sweetheart, tell me how you really feel!!! Tell me how mad you are at the capitol for putting the districts through this again!!! Tell me how mad you are or how upset you are...sad, mad, cant keep shelling for the rest of your life!!! God damn, i thought that maybe you had more trust in me than that..." He stops. I stare at him, "I do tell people how i just a quiet know that..." he just continued to look at me with a strange look

" Allie...ever since you found out about the Quater Quell you haven't really talked to anyone, your not as energetic as u where before, your emotions are on a gigantic roller coaster...i mean if you really left it all up to me to see what was wrong with you i would either title it pregnant or derangement...and or psychosis"... Our conversation just hung there while i realized how down i have been, and how much i've changed in the past month... I am obviously not pregnant and i could be mentally deranged or psycho...but i push that away " Okay...fine!!!," i say with a smile on my face. Theres a moment that passes between i stare at him and prepare what i have to say.

" Levi, i absolutely hate the fact that the Capitol wants another Hunger Games, even if its the last one...still look at what the other 75 of them did to the districts. I mean do they seriously want another rebellion...i swear they should put someone from in the Districts at head...that person would probably run it a hell of a lot better!!! Its like you think they would have gotten over themselves after my Mom's rebellion...but all they did...was give us a 15 year break..." i finish...glad i got all that off my chest. Levi is so quiet i swear he might be dead...i look over to see his jaw almost hitting the floor. I give him the "what???!!!" look... Levi places his hand over his heart, " Oh my, that was something!!!" he says, mimicking Ceasar Flickermans voice, wich still hasn't aged over time. I hit him in the arm and pull the occasional "Shut-up Levi!!!". I realize then that i have been very tense and how nice it is to let go of all that...

Within the next few minutes we decide to go back into town, hand in hand. The only words we said while leaving are that we should probably go and then when we got really close to town Levi started cracking jokes, bad ones that weren't funny, but we laughed at the fact that he tried. Once we where out of The Seam, we where close enough to our parting point, a shop outside The Seam, where Levi's father works as a butcher and where Levi has a job, tradeing with people at the Hob or hunting for meat to bring to his father. Being turning 18 in three days lets him be able to move out of his father and mother's home, but only with a steady paying job and clean background. Which is the case for most people who turn 18 here...a completely clean background....because even if you do slip up, there is no getting away with it. Levi and i say goodbeye, fearful of tomarrow but hopeful that nothing bad will happen. About 5 or so minutes after Levi and i say our goodbyes, i start to notice how empty town is getting, doors locking and shutters being pulled. "CRAP!!!", i say to myself...President Paylor has to make the Quarter Quell announcement tonight. Judging by the sky, its about 6:00 o'clock, and the announcement starts at seven... so i wont miss that, but i did forget something... I start walking...technically running home. I feel really mom wanted to have me help her cook something before the announcement, and wanted to start it at 5:00 o'clock because they take a very long time to bake... I can feel the guilt coming through... Its getting dark and i know im supposed to be home before sunset...just as the guilt creeps its way directly into my heart, i step on the first step of the porch of my home in The Victors Village, i see a movement in the corner of my eye. A dark shadow the size of a full grown man puts their hand on my shoulder...i flinch and and am piosed to breaths increasing by the second, until i hear " What happened to 5:00 o'clock?" I finally realise the voice...the person...i feel stupid right away..."Hey Dad... sorry... we just got caught up talking and by the time i was at the square it was getting empty...i promise it will never happen again!!!" i finish...still out of breath. He gives me a stern look and then drops it. I smile and he pulls me into a tight hug, then says "Well i would rather have you late than not at all", i smile and look up at him " You scared me half to death!!! I was about ready to run into the woods and stay there!!!" We both laugh about it and go inside. Once im inside the smell of Pumpkin Spice Cookies that my mother wanted to make with me fills my nose...pure guilt... My mind is so lost that i almost get knocked over when Walker comes crashing into me, engulfing me in his arms. After i regain focus i hug him back and then we go into the kitchen. Oh Boy!!! "Allie!!! Where have you been...i've been so worried... Oh and dont worry...ive still got one more batch to make, and you can help me", she pauses for a minute and i process that she is not mad at me, then let it go as she continues " If only i could get Walker to stop eating them once i take them out of the oven!!!" A little while later, i go change into some more suitable clothes and then go back downstairs from my very nervouse as to what the announcement holds...but i guess we have to wait and see.



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