Chapter 2: Announcing and Reaping

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i sit on my leather couch, awaiting the announcement. Fear makes its way through my whole root to toe. The smell of rain seeps through the window as i stare at the tv screen...i cant see it...but i know that there is no one outside...everyone has locks secure and shutters drawn. I jump as the the screen flickers on..."MOM!!!DAD!!!", I scream...recognising the hint of fear in my voice, they run in, noticing the screen...a worried face now appears on my fathers.face seems as hard as.stone...but both call Walker and sit accordingly in the living room. The seal of Panem glows on the screen, fading to the Capitol stage, where a young boy in all white clothing holds a wooden box, next to President Paylor. I quiver as she starts to speak. " Good evening all of Panem", she starts out with...then reads off the history of the Quarter Quell (which i really dont pay attention to) with a voice the color of crimson, the one that can change the nation of Panem with a flick of her finger...just then Walker gingerly sits next to me...i grab his hand...knowing how surreal and scarry this is for him.

I focus back on the television. Paylor turns her body to retreive and envelope from the box, once its in her hand the boy in white walkd away. The camera focuses in on just her face...she looks down and opens the envelop, revealing a small white peace if paper. The eagarness of me wanting to hear the quell's twist make the few seconds of silence from paylor seem like days. Paylor reads off the card...

" To the people of Panem, in revenge for the uprisings of a short period ago, the twist to the 100th quarter quell will not be released to the public...the tributes will have to fuigure it out on their the capitol had to when the rebellious tributes of past games blinded and dark sided every member of the capitol...thankyou for your time," and the seal of panem glows on the screen. The tense feeling in the air is nowhere near comfortable, just as the silence has reached an awkward point, i hear a glass break. I face my head to the front door, where the sound came from...Haymitch...drunken...and yet way too sober for this night of the year. As he tries to say my name his speech slurs...usually today he would be so drunk that passed.out...but no...not today...for all we know he could still be entirely mobile. As my mother reaches to help him sit in a chair, he seems almost perfectly sober...even starts conversation. "What is this crap???," he asks toward my father. "Im not sure, but whatever it is, there is something big behind it...this doesnt just happen without incentive," my dad says...awkwardly calm... all of a sudden my mother finally chimes in.

" We are going to find out at some point...Peeta, we are going to mentor for the first time." she has a point there. As i start to think about that, and why the twist wont be broadcasted this year, i channel out the conversations going on around me. I can tell my body is cold, from head to toe, even though im sitting next to the fire place. I remeber Grandpa Haymitch telling me while he was drunk one night that he thinks the reaping bowls are rigged...and yet without any thought...i wouldnt doubt it. The things i have heard about the rebellions and the Capitol in itself are more than i would ever think to be true. The sickness that the Capitol had put to its name from the districts makes people cringe, and yet that is only from talking about it. Because while all of us will be facing our last horrifying year in The Games, the Capitol people will be remorsing for their last year of truely is sickening. While they watch children die, they are also either eating, or warm, or not in pain... but the person on their television is. Sounds pretty evil if you ask me. Walker stands up, and goes upstairs into his room, and even though i cant see it, i hear him slam his door. He must be just as worried or confused as i am. All eyes are focused on me now. Oh how i hate that!!! But instead of telling the to look away, i stand up and act as if i didnt remeber that reaping day was tomarrow, look at the clock, and the tell the three around me that its probably time to get to bed. They all nod and laugh at me. I give everyone a goodnight hug, including Haymitch, but his is different. As my head is moving into his hug, he wispers in my ear.

" Get ready darling..." i pull back, look at him, and nod in agreement. We both believe the ball is rigged, but only one of us thinks that my name will be pulled. I walk into my basement bedroom, get into my night clothes, and fall asleep. Haymitch's words lingering in my head.

a/n: Hey guys:) cliff hanger:):):) muwahahahahahaha:) anyway, i really didnt know how to write this chapter, but take it from me... trying to come up with the twists in a quarter quell is insanely complicated!!!!!!!!;( u have no idea how many times i re-wrote this!!!!!! anyways.....sorry for the short chapter...ive been very busy:*( ugh:( plz comment some ideas u would like me to use in my story:) also plz comment, vote, all that:) it means a lot:):):):)

anyways i seriously need to get to bed:) so goodnight wattpad:) ill update soon:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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