I Rejected The Ugly Dork But Now He's The Hot Popular Guy (Chapter 9)

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** sorry for the wait guys! i'll babble later... **

Chapter 9

I was awoken the next morning by Miss Trent screaming: "Wake up Girls, it's time to hike!" I was supposed to be prepared to be refreshed and ready to go hiking, but I hadn't had a wink of sleep last night.

I had to keep lifting up my duvet to hit a certain someone who kept snoring ever since (as Natasha kindly explained) she got her 'deviated septum' done, which Natasha of course explained as, "she's snored like a dog ever since she had her nose job, I mean, um, deviated septum removed,".

So I groggily got out of bed and sauntered to the bathroom. I opened the door and quickly showered.

I then gave into the loud banging on the poor old wooden bathroom door and opened it as Nikki came tumbling in.

"Ow, what was that for?" she shrieked as she got up.

"I opened the door," I said blandly. I'm really not a morning person especially when I haven't really slept. "I didn't know you'd be on the other side." Usually I would be a little more sympathetic as she vigorously rubbed her knee but I'm sure she didn't actually need that stupid nose job.

"Well now I most likely have a bruise!" she shouted at me rubbing her knee as she reached for her hairbrush. "I knew I should have got leg insurance," she muttered as she starting brushing away quite roughly much to my surprise. Guess Nikki's not a morning person either, before you start getting ideas that's where my similarities with her end. Other than the fact we're both girls and the same age and...well you get what I mean.

I put on some clothes and longingly stared at my bunk, it looked so warm and cosy. 5am was way too early a time to be waking up. I mean it's just hiking; walking a little less isn't going to hurt anyone.

So our entire year filed into the canteen like the dead and lined up for breakfast. There were the occasional annoying girls prattling on (like Nikki) but the rest of us normal mortals all tried falling asleep standing up as Coach Bailey riled on about the safety of hiking.

"Now kids," Miss Trent started, even she sounded a little less enthusiastic than usual. "We are going to go hiking in groups of ten since there is always safety in numbers; the groups are going to be with your cabin crew," fantastic, "and the other cabin next to yours."

"That means that there will be five girls and five boys in each group," Coach Bailey finished for her in his loud voice. That is actually pretty good because that way I will be with Leanne and my 'boyfriend' whilst hiking. And Adam can be there too to see that mine and Marshall's relationship is completely genuine.

Now I know what you're thinking, why should I fake being with Marshall if I know that Adam thinks I'm great? But that wasn't the point in the first place, because the entire school needs to know I'm not shallow.

Besides, I don't really care what Adam thinks, it's not as if I like him or anything. I mean, why would you think that? Me liking Adam - pfft, that's like, like, Nikki not liking Adam or something. I totally don't like Adam Taylor.

Anyways, so I put my bowl out and the lady behind the counter slapped some cold lumpy grey gunk into it. I sat down next to Leanne, Marshall and Howard and observed the, um, thing, in my bowl.

"What is this?" I asked carefully.

"Um, I believe it is, in fact I am fairly certain it is meant to be oatmeal," Howard said putting some in his mouth before spitting it out.

"Why is it grey?" I asked a little scared now. I supposed oatmeal did make the most sense but it looked more like cr- well I'm about to eat it so I'm not going to make that analogy but you know what I mean.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2009 ⏰

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