Behind the Mask.

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 I grabbed my lunch tray and headed over to my table I sat at everyday with the guys. I sat down next to Kyle, throwing my bookbag down on the floor, waiting for the others to come over. 

 "Hey," I said with a hoarse voice. I cleared my throat and reached for the apple that was sitting on my tray. I played with it in my hands.

 "Hey Jordyn," he said, smiling at me with his big brown eyes.

I looked at him and smiled back, trying to show nothing was wrong.  "Waiting for the rest of them?" I sighed, looking him in the eyes. 

 "Yeah. But hey, I don't mind being with you. You're like a little sister to me," he told me, his eyes softening.

 I was the only girl of the pack. They all thought of me that way. I was okay with it. I just didn't really like getting treated a bit differently because I was a female. They protected me more than they did each other. I didn't like that as much. I can fend for myself just fine.

 "Thanks Kyle. You're a great brother." I looked away, playing with the apple in my hands.

 In the pack, we're all brothers and sisters. Practically blood.

 I saw Nathan coming over to the table with his tray in his hands. He saw me looking at him and a smile formed on his face, his eyes lighting up. He made his way over to Kyle and I, sitting down next to me. He immediately started eating. He's a huge eater for a slim guy. 

 Bryan came out of nowhere and set his food down on the table, taking a seat across from Nathan. He started eating his food, talking to Nathan. Something about homework. Their talking was gibberish to my ears, as I zoned out, staring at the apple in my lap.

 Sitting there, dazed, I felt someone nudging me to get my attention.

 I looked to my right and saw Kyle looking up at me. 

 "Riley's been trying to get your attention for the past two minutes," he told me.

 "Eyes, what's wrong?" I heard someone across from me say. I turned my head and looked at Riley sitting directly across from where I sat.

 They called me 'Eyes' because I had blue eyes, unlike from the rest of them, who all had a chocolate brown color. I was so different from them in so many ways.

 "Nothing's wrong," I said with a sigh. "I'm just tired from last night. I barely slept at all."

 Which was actually true. I couldn't sleep at all, due to the nightmares I've been having lately, about my parents who just died about a month ago, on September 27th. I'm stuck with my older sister now. I didn't mind living with her, she's pretty cool. We're only two years apart. I'm 16, she's 18. 

Brianna and I live in a pretty descent house she rents. But I'm planning on moving out as soon as I turn 18, an adult.

 "Jordyn?" Kyle's voice was faint in my mind.

 I felt a hand on my shoulder, shaking me back and forth. I growled and looked at Kyle, who immediately pulled back when he heard a low growl escape my throat. Everyone else who was talking at our small table grew quiet.

 "Stop it right now," Riley told me in a fierce voice. 

 I didn't want to obey, but I was forced to, for he was the Alpha. 

 The guys resumed their conversation where they'd left off at. 

 I flared my nostrils and looked away. Seeing Michael sitting across from Kyle, next to Riley. I didn't even notice his existence until I finally came back down to earth. Michael looked at me with caring eyes, that told me to calm down.  He was a shy type of guy, who was extremely nice and caring.

 The bell for lunch to be dismissed finally rang, and I stood up with my tray in my hands. I looked down at it, realizing I hadn't even touched my food. But I didn't really care. It was junk anyway. I walked over and threw my trash away, and headed off to my next class. 

 Michael came up behind me quietly, and strode next to my side. I looked at him with curious eyes, keeping my pace. 

 "What was that back there?" he said in a quiet voice.

 "Kyle needed to lay off. He interrupted my daydreaming," I responded, keeping my voice calm. I couldn't be mean with Michael. He was too nice and sweet for any grudges to be held.

 "He was just trying to get your attention for Riley," he said, looking down.

 "Just.. drop it. It's fine. I'm okay, no one was hurt. It wasn't even that serious. I just got a little pissed, that's all," I said, walking in front of him, and entering my next class, where me and Michael just happened to sit together. I sighed and took my seat.

 I hardly paid attention in class. Hell, I didn't even know what class this was, which was odd for me. I was an honor student, who mostly studied in her room all day.

 I took some notes that were being written on the board, not reading them at all. Just scribbling them down, so I could catch up later. As the bell rang, I got up and dragged my backpack along with me.

 The rest of the day dragged. I don't know what's happened to me. I was so.. dead. Very unusual. One of the guys from our 'group' would occasionally nudge me in the hallway, noticing my lack of energy, as I headed to my other classes. Everyone but Kyle. I think I scared him a bit. But why would he be scared of me? 

 As the school day ended, I drove home by myself in silence. Parking in the driveway, I went inside the house and headed to my straight to my room.

 After about an hour of trying to study, I finally crashed, so tired. This day was seriously boring, and it dragged like no other. But now, slipping into unconciousness, I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2013 ⏰

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