Chapter 11 - Every Inch Of My Tar Black Soul

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Note to readers: Hey everyone, hope everything is going alright and you're still enjoying my work, I have been so busy lately with other things but I am back on track writing more for 'How To Begin Again' daily. As a reward for the patient readers who've stuck with me I will be concluding part 2 within a week, by posting 2 chapters this week and will then be moving on to the next part. Until then - Lewis Wallis

Chapter 11 - Every Inch Of My Tar Black Soul

"Hey I'm Matt, are you alright?"

The voice came from the boy who'd captivated Adriana's visions, he was stuck to her heart like tar.

"I saw you wander over here from that party going on a few streets down" He spoke with a voice enticing Adriana with grace, whilst his arm squeezed her close. Adriana could smell cigarette smoke masked with a sweet scent of fresh peppermint.

Still she sat there speechless unable to allow her emotions to settle. Sometimes words are not enough, sometimes we would rather sit and cry in one another's arms than speak, sometimes silence speaks a thousand words, sometimes silence is a good friend. Most of the time silence is our only friend.

"I-I-I'm so cold out here" She spoke softly yet sharply, sounding just like her mother, as the Bacardi still punctured her lungs with an icy blow. "Come here" He whispered solemnly - a word which here means with great sympathy - and with a swift movement he pulled her up with both arms and carried her to a bench that was surrounded by deep evergreen trees that seemed murmur their secrets to one another.

As he sat beside her he pulled out a cigarette packet and offered her one to which she accepted in acquiesce. "So how did you get in such a state?" he said grinning slyly.

"I let life take over me" Adriana said with her sombre tone.

"What do you mean?" He replied a voice that echoed apprehensiveness.

"Life is not easy," Her voice stood perfectly still, "there are ups and downs yes I admit but my life is a brick wall, where everyday someone removes another brick which m-makes me unsteady. It makes me forget what happens and what I remember becomes what happens. For me there is no elsewhere, and downwards I roll like a Rolling Stone," Tears were forming in the corners off her eyes as she took back a draw on the cigarette and threw it away into the dark. "I-I-I try and try and try and I constantly get pushed further down into the d-depths of my despair, I was at the top in my life and until I feared I would lose it I never loved it, after all one does not l-love breathing."

Matt wrapped his arm around her tighter this time and softly put his other hand on her chin and turned her face towards his. "Don't ever let go of life, take with you what you may but I'm not afraid to say that there's no point in life without a little sorrow, true, one does not love breathing unless they have a reason to breathe for. Build heaven around you because for all of us, there is no elsewhere"

Adriana leaned in towards him as tears glided down her face and she kissed him on his open mouth.

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