Ch. 2::

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Sehun walked into school with his head down, hoodie on and earphones playing soft and soothing music. The wind blowing softly on his face. This gave him a sense of déjà vu. It reminded him of the picture with the teenage boy at Namsan Tower. He began to tear up again just thinking about it to himself. He pulled his hands out of his jumper pockets and rubbed his eyes.

He was in his last year of high school and was one of the most popular seniors at the school. As he walked people ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ whilst in his presence, not noticing his puffy under eyes from all of the crying. He had many fan girls as he was one of the kingkas being dubbed the boy with the prettiest face out of the eleven.

He met Kai, one of the kingkas, in front of his locker and greeted him with a hi-five and a hug. Kai was a tanned, tall boy with shaggy brown hair and big brown eyes. To accompany those eyes came cute bushy brows and an extremely fit physique. “It’s going to be a tough day, huh, buddy.” He spoke wearily. Sehun bobbed his head. “Don’t worry bro, we’ve got your back.” Kai grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him into class. Sehun reached his seat but just stood there and looked at his teacher blankly.

“Mr. Oh, Mr. Oh.” The teacher cooed. Sehun pulled out his chair and took a seat, his head was in space. He pulled a cute pout face which caused the girls in his class to sigh. “He’s so cute. He only has the cuteness that a maknae can possess. Omo.” One girl called from the back of the classroom.

Two lanky arms reached around him and tugged on his shoulder. It was Chanyeol and Baekhyun, another two of the kingkas. One possessed a really bright smile and the other dark eye lined eyes with a charming grin. They picked him up out of his chair walked him to the cafeteria. They could sense that today he wouldn’t be his happy usual self and that he would be quieter than usual. Just like every year, marking the day Luhan hyung was kidnapped.

“Come on, Hun-saeng.” Baekhyun said. “Let’s go get something to nom on. Something sweet like you Hun-ah” Finished Chanyeol with a teeth baring smile and pinching his nose. Sehun nodded as he slowly walked to their usual table.

Their table was marked with a logo in the shape of a hexagon and inside was the word EXO. That was the name of the kingka group. The other members, Suho, D.O., Kris, Xiumin, Lay, Chen and Tao were sitting around the table giggling and laughing. D.O. was filling his stomach with food until he let out a loud burp signalling that the tank was full. Suho, being the leader and guardian of the eleven teenage boys, was watching over all of them as Kris and Chen were play fighting over who of the two has the bigger biceps. Tao and Xiumin were sitting in their chairs looking at the girls walking past. They winked causing everyone to go mad. Lay was quietly listening to his iPod using his purple headphones. He looked up and smiled at Sehun and pointed at the seat next to him, asking him to sit there.

Lay knew that Sehun didn’t really want to act goofy and dorky today and knew that it was best if he sat quietly with him. Sehun sat next to Lay and he grabbed one of Lay’s spare headphones and placed it into his right ear. He began to hear the chorus of a really soft song.

‘I lost my mind

Noreul choeummannasseultte

No hanappego modeungoseun Get in slow motion.’

Sehun swayed his head to the beat of the song and began to sing along. “Ssaugo, ulgo, anajugo.” Lay grabbed his chin and looked deep into his eyes. “It’ll be ok. I pinky swear.” Lay held out his pinky and wrapped it around Sehun’s. This moment was interrupted when D.O. spilled his chocolate milk onto Suho and the leader got angry and began to tickle him to death causing his legs to fly everywhere.

My friends are so funny, Sehun thought to himself. Suho looks like he pooed himself, he added, causing him to giggle. Suho saw him laugh and gently punched his forehead. “Hun is laughing at me, let’s tickle him too!” Soon both D.O. and Sehun were lying on the cafeteria floor with nine other tall boys standing over them, tickling them. The chorus of laughter was loud and caused passers-by to look at the eleven teenage boys playing around like kids. Sehun didn’t feel so unhappy anymore and began to enjoy the moments he was having with the other kingkas.

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