This my CHOCOLATE !!

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Imagine your at home with Prince, Ok so you were really hungry YOU would of got up and get something to eat but you dident want what was in your kitchen .And for some weird reason you've been craving for chocolate latley and you would never ever share your chocolate with NOBODY , Not even Prince your own boyfriend and he share everything with you. One night you were sitting on the couch EATING chocolate one after the other.

You: mmm....This chocolate is so good :p *licking lips*

Prince: -_- Y/n....

You: *Still eating chocolate* :P

Prince: -___- Y/n your going to Get FAT if dont STOP EATING CHOCOLATE! delious *Stuffing face with chocolate*

Prince: did you hear what I said?

You: yea I did and if i get fat i will just go to the gym go on a diet and still be eating chocolate :D *talking while chocolate in her mouth*

Prince:but what if you saty Fat :(

You: Then I will have to go to Fat camp *stuffing face with chocolate*

Prince: Ok..Well if your stuff your face with chocolate you could at leat give me a piece Y/n :I

You: Ha! you must be joking right! *smiling*

Prince:No...*put out hand for piece of chocolate* :D may I have some plz.

You: Ooh Hell NAW Nigga this my chocolate!!

Prince: Watch if dont start sharing your chocolate, your....your...your gonna turn into one of those Fat mean Girls *baby voice then runs up stairs*

You: mmm....i lov- wait did this Boy just call me FAT!!! 

Prince:Yes i did FATTY what you gonna do about it *Shouting from up stairs*

You: am show what am goona do about it *Go outside open the car boot and takes out her 4inch bamboo stick AND Go up stairs to there bedroom*

Prince:so what you gonna do about it huh!

You:*evil smile on your face and takes the bamboo stick from behind your back*

Prince:*see's the 4inch bamboo stick* 0_0 I have a feeling I should run

You: you already know NIGGA!! *starts chasing him*


Prince,Roc,Prod and Ray are playing the Xbox 360

Ray:Aye prince your gonna makes us lose 

Roc:Aye man you alright?

Prince: y....yea am ok :D *dose a fake smile*

Prod:Ummm..Prince why do you have that big Bruse on your face!? :O

Prince: I....I..I was- *you walk through the living room* 

Prod: you was what?

Prince:Nevermind 0_0 *he looks at you*

You; *you give him a evil smile* 


hoped you enjoyed it sorry it was a bit long I never really expected it to be that long

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