Yeah, What is Love?
The fact that I can't stop thinking about you, or the fact that I think you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and am not saying the future wont be bright,
But... If you were in it , every second would be worth experiencing. Yes maybe you were bad influence but that was party because of me. I gave in ! thats where that 'infatuation' term comes in handy.
I've seen your flaws and believe me they have made me mad, but I guess the attraction towards you inside me grew stronger too.
Loving and being with you doesn't need me to watch any other movie. Because a perfectly unwritten excitingly Romantic movie is played in my own life.
Yes thats right, that makes me a person of many insecurities, but you make each and one of them seem beautiful.
Yes I think I could write a novel about my feelings for you.. or atleast half of it. Because Sincerely now I feel empty, lonely most of the times because we ended ...
Love is a big word and believe me when I say that when I met you or got to know about you, I never thought I'd fall that hard for you. But I did, and now sliding up from this pit just makes me fall back eventually.
And yeah, that means I wasn't prepared for any of this before, No one even ever told me about this or how it'd be like.So when I was with you I kept falling and falling and until stopping wasn't an option.
Yes I regret alot of things, I regret them alot but knowing that I'd done them with you gives me a sense of security. I felt very secure everytime we cuddled and I was in your presence. But then with 'close proximity' came a slap of reality on my face and I guess that was the start of our growing distant.
I still want you ? But ofcourse. Everything about me, you knew ! even sometimes more than me. I liked that feeling , that I can ran away in our little fantasy world, away from who we are , and world issues and fool around.
I sitill remember our little moments together like they were a minute ago, I stil remember your amusing little phrases and I blush all the time when I refecton them.
I love you A and I don't think it will ever stop but if it does I hope I find someone as awesome as you.So mature, so caring, so grown up even for his age, and had a deep insight on matters. And yeah your sweet forgiving heart.
I don't wanna stop but I know I'd go on until things didnt even make sense, lol . But for your own information I''m madly in love with you.