Chp.25 - Grell in my new Pempai! and It got out...Fuck.

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     After awhile, I leave my emo corner and begin to play with Grell's hair. I got bored and pretended to be a ghetto girl doing Grell's hair. "Oh girl! You hair..Yo hair is just so soft and so long! What we gonna do this". Sadie laughs, Alyssa and Ciel sigh. I put Grell's hair in a braid and laugh more. "Grell..I have a question?" "Sure, What is it?" Grell ask. "Will you be my sempai?" I ask fast. Sadie stands up and looks at me, "I am so proud of you, Jenny!" "What's 'sempai'?" Grell ask. "It's someone older then you or you mentor. So please, Grell? Will you be my sempai?" I say then beg.

       "Of course!" Grell says, "Yay! I want to be somewhat like you!" I jump arond all happy. "Great! Do you have anything red?" Grell ask then gets up. "I have some red pants!" I yell, run out of the room, change into my red pants, snow boots, my "Keep Calm and Release Banki" shirt (Bleach Shirt),my doggy hat and run back into there. When I got back into the room, Sebastian mean mugs my dog hat. I laugh and take it off, "Happy, Sebastian?" "Yes. I am fine now. Thank you" Sebastian says. 

       I laugh more. "So what is my first lesson?" "Give me your best 'Oh Bassy~'." Grell says. "Fine" I say then think of Sebastian's most amazing moments. I begin to blush, "Oh~ Bassy~!" I yell then glomp on Sebastian. "That was uncalled for Miss Holmes" Sebastian says. "I just needed to get my Grell on" I chuckle. I hear high heel tapping next to us and see Grell, "That was good but you may stop now".

         I get up and pat my shirt, "You passed and next, I need to ask you some questions?" Grell says then I hugs him. We sit on the couch and he ask me some questions.

"What is your favorite colors and why?"

"Purple becasue It's the color of voilets. Black becasue I just like it, and Red because it is a amazing color. It it the color of roses, lip stick, and blood"

"What is your favorite animals?"

"Anything in the cat family, Owls, Crows, Ravens, Hawks, Falcons, Snakes, Pigs, Bunny and most all animals but Spiders."

"Last question, Why do you love Sebastian?"

I blush at the last question, take a deep breath and speaks somewhat fast, "I love Sebastian becasue he is sweet, caring, he loves cats, he has a funny personlity a-and he kissed me!" On the last part I put my hands over my mouth. I looked over to Sebastian and he heard what I said because he was giving me a smirk, causing me to blsuh more.

   "What was that, Hun?" Grell ask. "I like Sebastain because he.." I say until Sebastian cuts me off. "Because I kissed her.." "WHAT?!" Grell, Alyssa and Ciel say. My face turn the color of Sebastian's eyes. "When did this happen?" Grell and Alyssa say. "Always playing with girls, Sebastian" Ciel sighs. "U-Um..Well. It was when we went to The Trancy Ball and after Lizzy said me and Sebastian w-would be a cute couple-" I say rubbing my leg and blushing more. "S-Sadie told him. Sebastian started playing with me. He t-took my Ipod away and he kissed me.."

    Alyssa sighs, "Arccording to our religion, Your first kiss has to take your viginty". My whole face turn a drak red, "WHAT RELIGION!? WE DON'T EVEN GO TO CHURCH!" "If we did, That what our religion call for." Alyssa says. Sebastian smriks and pulls me to him, "We have no other choise then". "W-What?!" I say then I faint.

I'm Simply One Hell Of A Fan-Girl ||Black Butler|| -Book 1- [Finished]Where stories live. Discover now