The end of the quest

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Avery stood up. She addressed her fellow campers, "This quest was assigned to a child of Athena and a child of Athena will finish it. By the gods, in Anglea Storm's name, I will finish this." Avery said, walking off towards the road, "Wait, what if the gods get angry, this was Chris's quest?" one of the campers asked, "Then the gods can file a complaint." Avery snapped as she walked out of sight, leaving the camp in stunned silence.

A few hours had passed since Avery had left, and things had calmed down, though they still kept one eye on Theo and Lila. "Wow, this place is really nice." Lila told them, "I'm starting to wish I was a demigod." she added, they could tell she was sad, but she was trying to hide it. "The campers here think I'm bad, huh?" Lila said softly, "Ignore those idiots." Erica said as sympathetically as Erica Crest could be, she gave a group of campers watching Lila a glare so dark, Hades himself would quiver in fear, scratch that, Zeus and any monster or Titan in Tartarus would have run for the hills. Clouds started to gather in the sky, thunder rumbled, "What are you idiots looking at?" Erica growled, "Scram!" she shouted, thunder clapped loudly, as if it was trying to make a point. As soon as they went off running, Erica sighed, shoulders sagging, as if she was exhausted suddenly, she wiped her forehead, "You're welcome." she panted. Erica seemed like she was gonna walk off, but after a few steps she started stumbling, soon she was stumbling so much, it seemed like she'd fall over at anytime. Theo and Lila ran and slithered over, Jean went with them to direct them to and open the door of her cabin. Helen the whole time stood leaning on a cabin wall, staring at the ground, Chris walked over to her. "You okay?" he asked, she shook her head, "She's gone." Helen whispered, Chris hugged her, "It'll be okay." he said, she started to shake, "Oh gods, she's dead!" she cried. Helen started to cry, "She's dead, she was dying and I couldn't do anything!" she sobbed. Chris thought she had known Storm well, but now it seemed that they had been pretty close, Helen was really shaken up. He guessed if Jean ever died he would be like this too. He felt like doing this, because his sister was gone, on a quest, alone, where she'd probably die.

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