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Based on my experiences...

1.Uncontrollable Reading Buddy
Every Friday our class has reading buddies with the JK/SK's and it can get out of control. If you have untaimable partner here's what to do.
-If you know the parents, tell them that your going to tell their parents
-Encourage them into it. Try anything that can motivate them.
-Ask questions
-Tell teacher as last resort

2.Big Pile of Work
Every year you get more work *sigh* and there's no way to avoid doing it (unless you have an after school activity). Here's what you can do.
-Stay in for recess. I know you probably don't want to but if you wanna get it done you have to.
-Do as much as possible during in class time.
-Stuck? Ask a classmate.
-Ask a teacher as last resort if your stuck.
-Skip questions for last.

3.Losing Technology (due to behavior)
*Not Mine, this one is based off what I see in class*
So you know that moment when you want to use technology you brought to school and you decide to use it cuz you wanna? Then you get caught too many times? What you should do.
-Don't put up a fight. That may worsen the situation your in.
-Remember, the teacher always wins
-Ask before using it (if your teacher hasn't told you you can)
-Listen and follow the instructions

4.Blamed for something half the class is doing
Trouble detector 2 is your teacher and you got caught for something most of the class is doing. What to do.
-Try to defend yourself by telling them what happened (if your lucky they'll believe you)
-If they don't believe you, raise the white flag (try any harder and they might punish you)

5.No device to use for anything
*Not mine, this is based off of my friend's experience*
-Borrow from a friend (I'm usually the friend you borrow from)
-Borrow teacher's stuff (yes this can be done I've seen it before, well only it the teacher trusts you a lot)
-Borrow from school
-Do whatever you need to do without technology (if your mom and dad did it that way so can you)

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