Chapter 3 Time for a Change

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I ran down the hallway with tears threatening to escape my eyes. I can't believe this, i thought. I could hear my wolf wimpering, her cries of sarrow. I could feel my own heart drop to my stomach. I felt sick. This isnt how it was sopposed to go, but of course this is no story, this is real life. I finally get back to my room and bury my face in the mountain of pillows adoring my new bed. Just why? Is the only thought that crossed my mind as i finally let my mind escape to dream land.

I'm in a garden of roses with my mate. He's looking at me with so much hatered. why is he looking at me like that? Is'nt he supposed to look at me with love? "Star how could you honestly think I would love you?!" At these words he pushees me into a rose bush, the thorns prickling my skin brings tears to my eyes. I'm trapped. The roses are caging me in, not letting me escape. Before the vision of my mate disapears, i see the blond bimbo go to his side, and they both laugh together at me, at my pain.

I awake drenched in sweat, my breathing heavy. Tears are racing from my eyes. What a terrible dream. I get out of bed shivers over take my body as the air hits my sweaty body. I quickly make my way to my new bathroom and turn the shower on as i undress my reflection cathes my eyes. My normally pale skin looks even paler as my hazel eyes are looking swollen and dead. My black hair is so messy its reminding me of madusas hair. He did this to me? i think to myself. Anger is all i can feel now. No, i will not allow a boy to get under my skin like this, i will show him what he's missing, and make him regret and beg me for my forgivness. With that thought in mind i step into the shower with determation in my eyes.

I'm standing in my closet looking at all these new clothes. As a welcome gift from the Alpha, he and his wife bought me a whole new wardrobe. I start to look through them and come arcross a black tank-top with the words bite me in golden lettering. Perfect, I pair this with a pair of white skinny jeans with holes in them and a black leather jacket, along with a pair of leather boots. Brett's not going to know what hit him. I dress quickley and work on my hair and makeup. I don't do much with my hair sense its natually wavy and start on my makeup. I give my eyes a smokey look and only apply lip gloss to my lips. Suddenley a thought hit me, Megan!

I run out of the bathroom and get my laptop and call her on Skype. Megan answers on the secound ring.

"Oh my goddess Star! Why haven't you called sooner!? and might i say you look sexy! Is there a reason for your sexiness to come out?" She says with a knowing smile. I smile and decided to tell her about what happened yesterday and about my plan.

"wow.. what an ass! I'm so sorry! From what I hear he doesn't deserve a mate, let alone you! I'm gonna kick this soon to be alpha's ass! Just you wait, he's gonna be crying like a little baby by the time I'm done with him!" She says determind. Oh boy my bestfriend who's no taller than my 5'1 frame is going to go against a soon to be alpha who's either 6ft or taller.. i'm not the best in heights. Before i can replie i hear my mom shout my name asking me to come down to the kitchen for a secound. " I got to go Megan. Mom wants to see me for a secound, i'll call you again soon." and with that i closed my lap top and began to make my way to the kitchen.

As i walk in to the kitchen i see my mom on the phone with a big smile on her face. "Yes of course Alpha! Thank you so much, I'll make sure she's there!" She hangs up the phone and turns to me, a smile gracing her lips, her hazels eyes are bright for the first time sense dad died. "Guess what!? All the high school kids are having a summer party at the beach tomorrow night! You're going, no questions asked. Alpha Chris's son is going to be there along with a bunch of kids from school. You're going to the party and you're going to have fun, do i make myself clear?" What? Who's this and what have they done with my mother? "um..yes?" i say unsure if this is a trick or not. "Great, your aunt and uncle along with your cousins are all coming over for lunch and i want Emily to take you out shopping today, clear?" "Crystal." I say. I will admit, I am kinda excited to see all my cousins. Emily's my age at 17, She's a transgender MTF (male to Female) She's 5'6 with long blonde hair and hazel eyes. I have two other cousins Allie and Alex. They're twins at the age of 7 although they may be twins, they look nothing alike. Allie's hair is blonde like her sisters but she has dark brown eyes while Alex has black hair unlike his sisters and has dark brown eyes. He looks just like his father, my uncle. My aunts name is Linda Smith and her mates name, my uncle, is Kevin Smith. Linda has blonde hair and hazel eyes that look just like my moms and Kevin has black hair and dark brown eyes. Just then there's a knock at the door. My mom jumps up and dashes towards the door, looking like a child on christmas morning going for their presents. She answers the door and voices fill room.

Soon everyone's in the living room and i go to join them. Alex and Allie see me and tackle me in a hug. "Star! We missed you! You look so pretty! I wanna be as pretty as you!" Allie says giving me a smile. "Awe thank you Allie! I bet you'll be the most fairest girl in all the land!" i say knowing she loves Snow White. "Really?! Yay!" at that she goes to tell her mom the good news. i just shake my head and laugh. "Star! What about me!?" I hear and look down to see Alex clutching my leg. "I bet you'll be the star football player in high school that all the girls will love!" This seems to satisfy him as he runs off to do goddess knows what. "Boo!" I spin around to face Emily. "Nice try but you have to try harder to scare me." As i say this is I stick my tongue out at her like the mature young adult i am. "Damn! I was so close! Anyway you ready to go shoppinng!? I'm so excited about this party!" She says excitement dripping off each word. No I am not, but instead i say "Hell yeah! Let's go!" This is going to be one long shopping trip.

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