Chapter 4

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      "So now I have to go to Idris? What the hell is going on!" I shout with frustration.

      "Will you shut up for a minute! No one has any idea how the demons got in but, we know what they were after. You." Collin explains quickly to me in the Library.

        "Me? Why me? And how do you know?"

       "They were, well, they were hissing your name."

I shiver at the thought. Demons targeting me was a little frightening but I'd handled them before. This wasn't any different. Was it?

      "I'm not going to Idris. It would be like running and I won't do that." I spat, clearly annoyed at the idea. "Why do you care anyway? You've never liked me much."

     He hesitated, "I've known you for years and although I find you entirely wild and obnoxious, I would hate to watch a slimy, four legged thing eat you."

      I clearly wasn't going to win the argument, so I gave in and agreed. It would be nice to see the beautiful lights of Alicante again. Sighing, I looked over at Collin and raised an eyebrow.

    "Wait, what do they want from me? The demons."

      "We don't know yet, but you'll be safe with me, I promise." He seemed so serious that his expression looked shocked when I started to giggle.

        "Since when are you not a total ass? For once, I miss your sarcasm." This made him laugh and we just sat there laughing for what felt like hours but was only a few seconds.

     "So when do we leave?" I smiled.

     "Is now okay?"

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