Chapter 11

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I mustered some courage and knocked on his doorstep. Not expecting anything and not hoping for anything either. To my surprise, he opened the door on the second knock; he looked like he had just woken up. He was in a tank top, boxers and his hair was messy as ever. He looked disorientated until he realized it was me.

"What a surprise." He grinned.

"Good morning to you too." I murmured, not sure what to say next. He stared blankly at me, his whole profile in view now. "Well? Can I come in? We need to talk." I snapped back and he finally opened the door and gestured a welcoming signal.

Inside his mansion of a small apartment it looked all the same since the last time I was here. Black walls, black floor, white paintings hung on the wall. The staircase in the middle spiraled upward. I looked around and in the same place as last time his easel stood with a blank canvas on top. He wandered mindlessly until he went into a room I was unfamiliar with. I thought it was his study, but wasn't sure.

There was a shelf full of books and a desk full of papers with black ink scribbled all over it. He leaned against the desk and I took a seat on the stool from the opposite side.

I looked around the room and took things in while he just blinked at me. His expression was completely impassive.

"Enjoying the view?" He finally said, a salacious grin on his face and I knew he was referring to himself. I rolled my eyes at him and his grin deepened.

"You were with this girl a few nights ago." I finally started. "At the library."

"Are you stalking me?"

"Quite the opposite." I murmured. "I was already there, you showed up afterwards." I tried to reason, but it was besides the point. "Point is, that girl you were all over –"

"All over?" Humour danced in his eyes, he was having too much fun. "Are you jealous?" I wanted to slap myself on the forehead. He just doesn't get it, or let me finish.

"Anyways, I bumped into her today and she told me how you've somehow changed ever since you met me and to stay away from you." I finally said, I thought he'd laugh again, but his expression was serious. "Should I be afraid?" I finally said, biting my lip.

"Afraid of her... or me?" He grinned mischievously and I suddenly didn't know which one I meant.

"I would like to be asking the questions."


"Who is she?"

"An old friend."

"How old?"

"Old enough to know better." He grinned once again.

"Why is she after me?"

"She's not."

"Then explain her interrogation."

"This feels like an interrogation."

"Its not." I said, but then realized it was. I totally bypassed the friend zone and he didn't seem so thrilled. "Okay, maybe it is." I finally murmured.

"Is that all?"

"No. How have you exactly changed?"

"I don't feel any different." I sighed; this was going nowhere.

"You're very vague."

"You're very definite." Another smile played on his lips. He was enjoying this, me sounding like an idiot and him not giving anything away.

"What are you hiding?" I finally said.

"I'm not hiding anything, Anastasia." I then stormed off out of his house. This was ridiculous. I had gone there for answers and left with more questions. Back to square one.

I needed answers; I needed to figure out what was so absurdly secretive about him. He was so rude and arrogant one moment and then the next playful and mysterious. He just didn't make sense.

I decided to find more out about him through another source. I had to go interrogate Elena. But not now, not today. I needed some space away from Zayn.

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