Chapter 22

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DEDICATED TO Lexie_Lou_Lynn !!!!!!!


I quickly turn and accidentally trip myself in the process. Lexie starts to laugh at me, I just shoot her a glare. I twist to face my alarm clock/radio/tape player. (Yeah it's THAT old) I switch on the radio and twist the knob to find the station I'm looking for. I finally find. What Makes You Beautiful starts playing just 3/4 through the first verse. I twist the volume knob on the side to turn it up. The song is soon blaring through the speakers. You know how people say that hearing (one of) your favorite songs on the radio is more exciting than on your iPod or music playlist. Oh yeah, that is completely true. You could tell by the way that Lexie and me were singing and dancing, it was accurate. We were singing as loud and as well as we could to the song. 'Well?' you might ask. Lexie and I are the type of people who don't purposely sing bad to songs. Except to the songs we don't like it find annoying. *cough* Taylor Swift's after break up songs *cough*. But lets not think of her during this glorious time. When it comes to the harmony refrain Lexie sings the high parts and I stick to the melody. That's just how we roll. Lexie gets the high I get the low. Ha that sound weird and...well weird. But it's true so whatever. The song soon ends much to our dismay and then Brave by Sara Bareilles came on. We were a bit tired and so we both flopped onto my bed on to our backs and stared at the ceiling. I softly started to sing the song and soon Lexie joined in and we gradually grew louder and louder until we were singing almost as loud as we were to What Make You Beautiful. Except we can't ever sing that loud unless its that song. Once that songs ends I go and shut off the radio and sit crisscross on my floor.

"Now what?" We both say at the same time. We start laughing, but it dies down to silence. I find the complete silence suspicious knowing that Lexie is only quiet if shes sad, mad, or if hiding something in. Knowing she wouldn't be the first two things I know it's the third. And I'm 98% sure why.

"Go ahead and let out. I don't care, I'll probably join in." I roll my eyes at her.

"I CANNOT BELIVE THAT ONE DIRECTION IS STAYING AT YOUR HOUSE AND YOU DIDNT TELL ME! I MEAN IT'S ONE DIRECTION FOR CRY OUT LOUD! I LOVE THOSE GUYS!" She starts shouting and I swear after she said 'I love those guys' I heard someone say 'and we love you' but it was just probably a figment of my imagination. But I can't help but join in on Lexie's fan-girling. I'm not going to even start on what we were shouting but it was like there was 50 directioners in the same room. Yep, that's how loud it was. We suddenly stop talking. The silence. Dead silence. I look over at Lexie and she has the same look on her face. The face that knows that something isn't right. I hear a faint "SHH!" Come from behind my door and I smirk at Lexie lift a finger to my lips to signal to her to be quiet. She smiles back understanding my plan. I quickly and quietly walk over to my door avoiding all the creaky spots in my room. I've snuck out of my room to the kitchen countless times to know where not to step. My hand reaches the door knob and I slowly twist it to try to make the handle not squeak. Once the knob is twisted all the way I look over to Lexie who holds up three fingers. Two. One. I yank open the door and all five boys fall on top of each other in my door. They look up at me innocently. Lexie slips my iPod into my hand with the camera app already open. I snap a quick picture and lock my iPod to make sure they can't delete it. All five boys look the other way a second too late.

"Hmmm. I think this picture would look good on Instagram..." I trail off winking at Lexie, while tapping my iPod screen 'going into insta'.

"NOOOO!" The boys yell all together trying to lunge at me. Except they fort got they were part of a dog pile in my doorway and trip over each other.

"Chill guys, I was joking." I laugh.

"Never do that again." Liam says sternly, glaring at us slowly standing up since he was on top if the pile.

"And you guys should never do that again." I shoot back.

"Do what?" Niall asks. Poor Niall, always so clueless. Well not always, but most of the time.

"Ask Liam he knows. Don't you Liam you cheeky little boy." I say bending over to pinch Liam's cheek as he's half way to standing up. Liam sends me a death glare.

"Help me! They're gonna eat me!" I scream running down the hall, down the steps, and out the front door. As I'm running down the driveway I'm thankful for having converse on my feet. I stop and cross the street. Once I'm across the street into the park field I start to sprint again. I reach the middle of the field and then I slow to a walk. I walk past the small cluster of pine trees and am about to walk towards the park bench when something stops me.

"Jessica?" Someone calls. I turn and see Ben standing there.

"Woah, Deja Vu." I say as Ben walks up to me.

"Yeah." He laughs. "I thought you had a friend over."

"I do, there just a bit of a compli-" I start but am cut off.

"Jessica, get your fat butt back here to make sure they don't eat ME" Lexie yells from my front yard. Told ya shes got a pair of lungs.

"No! You come I've here!" I yell back almost as loud.

"What?" Lexie shouts. Sigh.

"RUN FORREST RUN!" I scream as loud as I can as I notice and human shape form behind her in the doorway. One glance behind her and shes sprinting across the street and park. She runs up until shes literally right in front of me out of breath. All three of us stand there awkwardly.

"Um, Lexie this is Ben. Ben this is Lexie." I introduce the two with hand signals.

"Hey." Lexie says.

"Uh, hey." Ben replies.

"Ben you coming?" One of his friends yell from the half basketball court.

"Um see ya." He says with a small wave and walks away.

"Bye." I mutter under my breath. Lexie was just smiling idiotically at me after he left.

"What?!" I exclaim.

"He totally likes you." She playfully shoving me.

"No he doesn't." I say blushing slightly shoving her back a little bit harder. She fell.


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