Unlock the Door

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Ariana's POV

I lay in the big hotel and the huge King size bed alone crying into my pillow thinking about Ricky

How could this happen once Valerie and her sneaky little friends go to Prison I'm gonna stay Here with Ricky and spend the holidays with him

I finally force my eyes close and be prepared to set him free


Ricky's POV

Valerie walks in and talks to me about Ariana trying to save me

"Ok first of all don't let that slut in my house and second of all she's not gonna be able to get you because once someone who doesn't have a key to the house walks in the laser beams goes off and you know what happens if you touch it" she smiles

I just glare at her

"I love the way you look at me"

I still have my hands united but I just keep them where they are

"Well its time for your queen too sleep love you baby" she kisses me

"Can I eat I haven't ate in days"

"Awww no you can't goodnight"

She locks the door and I get out my phone and call Ariana I look at my screen and it says Calling...My Moonlight Queen I smile at the picture of Ariana on my back smiling down at me


Ariana's POV

I hear my phone ringing I turn over and see who it is and it says

My Moonlight King with a picture of me and Ricky and I'm smiling looking down at him while he gave me a piggy back ride

I quickly answer the phone

"RICKY!!" I smile

"Hey baby" he still seems scared but I miss being called that

"So did you get anything new?"

"Yeah if you pick the lock once you open it there will be laser beams so cross the laser beams quick and safely there will be a disarm control by the window"

"OK thanks for telling me I love and miss you SOOO MUCH" I cry

"I love and miss you too baby see you tomorrow"

"Ok sleep well" I wipe my tears

"I'll try"

The call then ends and I fall back to sleep


*Next Morning*

I wake Call Brian and Skotty then the cops and tell them to come there and  Ricky told me now was a good time we then take the taxi to her house

"Ok guys once we open the door there will be laser beams Skott you come in with me Brian stay out here to look out if you see her run inside look the door and come in the garage and we'll hide there everyone got it" I demand

"Got it" the say at the same time

"Ok let's get this door open"

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