November 29, 2015

106 4 1

Well, I'm back. Anyways back to me! Wow that was so egotistical. It's always tough when a new feller decides to make company on the ranch, and that's what I'm goin to pull that topic on. His name was Kaleb. Oh he was my-my-my GORGEOUS! He had brownish black hair, really dark, and he had brown eyes. Ones that just pierced into your soul and made your panties want to drop (pardon my French ;) ) He was SUPER tall, like the tall where I had to a crook in my neck every time I went to look up at him, but, it was worth it. He was southern and he broke my heart... Well I soon got over that (it was really tough)... so I thought. The next one was "dashin" Dillan! Oh my can I just say, Pantie Dropper. He was a whole more easy on the eyes that Kaleb, and that's sayin a lot comin from me. He stood an inch shorter than Kaleb, so about 6'2. He has dark hair "black." He had the most gorgeous green eyes that I've ever seen on a guy and he had the richest southern draw that I've ever heard. He was strong and I never got tired of watchin him do his stuff on the ranch. And now I'm goin to be honest, he was my first for everythin. ;) And it wasn't bad either. He took my first kiss, was the first one to touch me, not all the way like losing your virginity kind of touch, but the kind of touch that made you want to, let's just say that I had enough sense to not let that happen. Yes, I wanted him, I mean who wouldn't, and that's where it ended. It turned out that he was talkin to every cowboy bimbo in town, at the rodeos and on campus. Oh, I'm sure my face went beet red. I went straight to my daddy and Dillan was kicked off my ranch. Yes do I regret it sometimes, but now I'm totally over it. The days at the ranch started gettin slower and so did rodeos, except for one. It was on Halloween night -> "Halloween Rodeo Bash." I'll never forget that. Now I'm known at the rodeos; 1) Pretty Lady (considerin that I've made rodeo queen 4 times) 2) I'm the Queen of Barrels, Broncs, and Bulls. 3) I can take on anybody that wants to pick a fight (we'll continue this after the story of B, B, and B.) So yes, it's a little unheard of; a girl doin Bulls and Broncs but now you can write it down because I am one. Let's see, a little background history: I started doin barrels at 5 years, did Mutten Bustin at 4 and that led into bulls and broncs when I turned 10. And that's how I've became a legend/ known! Now to the fightin part. I was at a Rodeo back in March at this ranch called, 'Perry Ranch' and this Buckle Bunny kept on pushin my buttons (I'm not gonna go into detail because it might make you lose everythin in your stomach) Well I tried tellin myself to be the better woman but that didn't happen because she pushed me way to far! I hit her so many times.... No it's really not somethin to be proud of, but let's just say I can handle myself. And NO I will never ever start a fight but you can bet your darn ass that I'll finish one. Okay, let's get back to the rodeo. I got done with all my events. Rode in one barrels in first rank, got second rank on bulls, and second rank on Broncs! I was a little off my game but I still did good! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHIN'! Right when I was goin up to the podium to claim my money and title, I was walkin back down and BOOM, I bumped right into the most beautiful cowboy that I've ever seen. Bluish-grey eyes, light brown hair, gorgeous smile, tall (6'1 maybe 6'0) definitely BUILT. And guess freakin what?! He was on bulls and beat me. Wanna know the convo.? Well you have no choice, here it goes!
Me- "So you're the one that beat me on bulls huh?" I smiled and stood there courageously.
Him- "Well if it isn't the famous Josie. Ma'am you're the one that has me beat darlin! I'm just tryin to climb back to the top. The names Luke, Luke Collins, by the way." He stuck his hand out and smiled.
Me- "Well it's gon' be harder than you think." I smirked, "pleased to finally meet you, Mr. Luke, I'm Josie, as you've heard."
Luke- He smiled, "Well ma'am I would love to talk to you more, can I buy you a drink?"
Me- "Oh my, is Luke, Luke Collins askin me on a date? Ha that would be much obliged Mr. Luke, since I am the real champion here."
Luke- He laughed and made a hurt sound, placin his hand over his heart, "oh man that hurt. But you're right. Let me get my claim and I'll meet you right here."
Me- "alrighty." He was back in a minute. He came down the steps and offered me his arm.
Luke- "Ma'am"
I looped my arm through his and smiled.
Me- "We gettin hitched Mr. Luke?"
Luke- "Well I mean I'd be much obliged ma'am, I like ya, but, I'd like to take you on a couple of dates and get to know you more before we make it official." He winked at me as I felt my cheeks turn red.
Me- "Well then.. let's get to it."
After that, we got drinks then started goin steady, but it all ended after 3 months when my grandma died and I shut everyone out. Oh yeah, he was in love with me, still is, we're great friends though. He makes up excuses to come see me everyday at the ranch and on the campus. I've thought about courtin him again and takin him up on his offer but it's not that easy. I have two more years of college left and I NEED to focus, plus I need to redeem my rodeo points. I took 2 months off. It knocked me down to number 3. I had a couple run-ins with Kaleb my ex. That was hell. Love? Ha I don't quite know what that is anymore. Ah, another hard thing about bein a cowgirl and a ranchers daughter is that, 1) it's horrible when you lose your favorite horse and, 2) when your dad treats you like a little girl when you're 22 and STILL won't let you go on cattle drives or let you go huntin with the guys. It utterly sucks!! LIKE BAD! Anyways I think I'll talk a little bit about my ranch duties and how much college life SUCKS when you can't be on the ranch all day. But, as of right now I'll talk about the setup then I have to head out. So I am studyin to be an Equine Vet. I got to Texas A&M. I've been goin here since I was 18. Where's here? Vet school. I am an hour away from my ranch. I stay in an awesome apartment on the college grounds. I wish Luke was my roomate, but not only would that be in proper, but it wouldn't be possible because Like never made it to college. And he's 23. He says that's too old for college, but yet he's a year older. That's like callin me old! Anyways... I used to have a roommate but I don't know where she went. Honestly I'm glad she left or whatever happened because she was a HUGE BIMBO. She would bring guys into the apartment everyday and no, they didn't just sit and talk, they did a whole lot more than that and it was utterly disgustin. I only have class for 3-4 hours and I go in at 10:00 a.m. and stay till 2:00. It's actually pretty amazin. Plus I love to sleep and at the ranch, I don't get that. I have to wake up at the crack of dawn. Anyways I like the timin because I can sleep in till 7:39 (which I don't sleep any later than that, yeah I'm a loser Loll.) And then I can take a shower or get ready, whatever and then I can get breakfast, grab coffee and go, or dependin on the time, relax. Oh yeah! Remember Kaleb? Well I see him all day, Well technically not all day but dependin on if I don't want to cook, I'll see him in the cafeteria in the mornin and I'll see him in the hallways, every now and then. He wants to be an engineer, so I see a lot of him. Oh and he's still in love with me, always tryin to get back with me and always apoligizin for what he did to me. Well honestly I don't know my feelins for him and I don't really want to rediscover them at least not now. Oh, I also see Dillan but I strongly despise him so I ignore him, EVERY. CHANCE. THAT. I. GET. Anyways I'm gonna go since I told ya about my schedule an everythin an' even a little bit more than I was bargin' for. So, talk to ya' later darlins'. Ugh Lord.. you know those moments where your brains like, "hey let's stay up and think about life and every mistake that you're ever made." Well that's my brain right now.

Love, yours truly,
Your Cowgirl

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