Amnesia Part 2

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Harry is staring blankly out of the window while bending his legs on the chair. His mom on the other side was knocking on the door, knowing that he didn't bother to open it, she walks in herself, bringing tray full of food for him.

She sigh and put it down on the floor before walk to him slowly, she sit on her knees and lean her face on his shoulder while wrapping her arms around him.

" Are you hungry? I brought you food " her voice break as she said that, knowing that she won't get any respond from him. " Please, talk to me " and yet he didn't say anything but instead a slow whimper coming out of his mouth for trying to hold back tears. He closed his eyes and bite on his lips while she lean her face on him again.

" She's not coming back Harry " she pause and buried her face on his neck while rubbing on his arms slowly in a comfort way " sometimes we have to let go ... cause that's the easiet way to move on "

Harry cupped his face, slowly sobbing and soon he was full of bawling. He knows that, he know he have to let go but part of him didn't want to move on. To him, she was his past, his future, his life so letting her go meaning throwing the most important thing in his life that basically keep him moving.

" when will I die? " the last words Harry said before he run to the bathroom leaving his mom crying alone on the floor.

" HARRY!! SARAH'S HERE " his mom shout from downstairs and Sarah just smile at her, thanking her. It's not even reach 5 seconds before he come running down from upstairs.

And before she can process anything, he already enveloped her in a big hug while lifting her up and spun her around. " What are you doing here? " he ask happily after putting her down and kissing her cheek afterwards. She smile that reach her ears but somehow Harry knows there is something wrong with that smile. but shrugging it off anyway.

" I make plan for us today, because you always bring me out on a date and this time it's my turn to bring you out on a date "

" Hmm I like where this goes " he wrapped his arms around her waist and lift her up until their eyes reach each other. She giggled and kiss on his nose " so Harry will you do the honor to go out on a date with me? "

" umm how about no? " he said jokingly as she playfully punched his chest making him laughed. " I'm kidding. Of course I will go on a date with you "

" Then, what are we waiting for?. Let's Go! " she half yelled and drag him but before bid goodbye to his mom.

" Can I ask you something? " he ask. They're now at the park where they always hang out whenever they need some time alone or just getting wasted together. " Sure "

" Why is it today like ... special? "

" what do you mean? "

" You know .. today you're like different. In a good way of course, as you already know we really different from our favourite foods to our hobbies, But you did everything that I wanted to try before which not to mention that you hate doing it "

He chuckled and lean back on the tree while Sarah was biting on her lips, trying so hard to hold back the tears. Realizing that she's quiet, he slowly open his eyes and watch her back as she hiccup.

" are you o---? "

" I have to move out. Far from here. "

His jaw drop open and paused for a second before slowly crawling to her and cup her cheeks, making her looks up to him " but you will come back .. right? " he whispered as his eyes turn blurry, hoping she would say yes and tell him everything's gonna be alright. But his world crash when she shake her head " no, I don't think I will "

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