Coming Out

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The CEO was pulled out of his concentration from his work when he heard his little brother call his name. He looked away from the computer and over at Mokuba, who was shyly peaking into his room from the doorway. He figured it was probably him getting concerned over bringing his work home and neglecting simple tasks, like eating. "What is it, Mokuba?" Seto asked. "Can I talk to you about something?" Mokuba kept his head down. Now Seto was getting worried. This was very unlike his brother.

"Of course. Come in and sit down." Seto closed his laptop and put it to the side, patting the seat next to him for Mokuba. The younger Kaiba went in and sat next to Seto. He twiddled his thumbs, not saying anything for a moment. Mokuba didn't exactly know how to say what he wanted to say. He knew either way that his older brother would be accepting, but it didn't make him any less confused or, well, embarrassed about it. He took a deep breath before looking at Seto.

"Um...what would you say...if I didn't exactly...feel like a boy all the time?"

That caught the brunet off guard for a moment. He looked at Mokuba questionably.

"What do you mean, Mokie?"

Hearing his nickname be used for the first time in quite a while made Mokuba feel a bit better.

"What I mean, Seto, is that...some days I don't really feel like a boy. Some days, I feel kind of like I'm a girl. And other days, I don't know what I feel like. Sort of like a mix of both, or neither."

Seto nodded, taking in what was being said to him. He never thought he'd hear this coming from Mokuba, but nonetheless, it was completely okay.

"I'm not really sure what to call it, but I suppose it's just who I am." Mokuba said, shrugging.

Seto pat, them (he didn't know how his younger sibling was feeling today) on the back and let a small smile graze his face. "First things first, I want you to know that it's okay to feel like this. Believe or not, there are many other people out there who feel just like you do. If I remember correctly, it's called being genderfluid." Seto explained. "I'm glad you came to me about this, Mokuba. Have you told anyone else about this?" Mokuba shook his head. "No, I wanted to tell you about it first, big brother. I needed your opinion on it. I didn't think it was normal to feel like this." He admitted, looking down. "Oh, Mokie. Don't worry, it IS normal for some people to feel like this. I'm not going to lie, though, there will be some who will frown upon these sort of these things. You may get mocked, but you come straight to me and tell me if they do. I'll make sure they never forget the name 'Seto Kaiba'."

Mokuba smiled and hugged his big brother. "Thanks, Seto! I can always count on you!" Seto hugged his sibling back.

He remembered something he needed to know.


"Yeah, big bro?"

"How are you feeling today?"

Mokuba's eyes gleamed with joy, realizing how much his big brother really cared.

"I'm feeling more like a girl today."

Seto nodded.

"What do you say to getting some ice cream, little sister?"

Mokuba nodded furiously, smiling brightly. "Let's go, Seto!" 

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