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Rage wanted to kick himself, his hands were numb and mind running wild. He didn't know why the fuck he would say such an insolent thing to Lavender. He didn't know what had happened to his tongue when he was in front of her. "Look into your heart, Lavender, sometimes the answer is sitting right in front of you." the words hummed in his ears like a wasp. It was a clear shitty move on his behalf.

He raised a nervous hand to his hair, running it through his sweaty hair. The tingles on his body from her touch were still active. Those delicate fingers grazing the tattoo which he got as a dedication for his commitment for his sln. He wasn't sure why she did, but he insanely liked it. He sauntered towards his room, to find Ted colouring in his playbook. He couldn't for his life ever be able to thank God for giving him Ted, the boy was a reason why he had the amazing people in his life, Lavender,  Jack and his family, the people who fragrances his life with roses and got rid of the thorns that  were standing in his way of a better life. These people were the means to which he left the life of a ravage and now into a life where he discovered a lot more than just relationships and he somewhere in between also learned how to love. 

He entered the room which, he and Lavender were two inhabitants of. Ted grew up to be a fine young boy, who always argued with him and his sister, just because he didn't want to sleep on the same bed. He didn't want Ted to feel like they didn't agree with him, so they simply got a room for him where his crib was taken away and donated to an orphanage, on request by Lavender. The room was soon converted from a nursery to a proper toddlers room.

When they say life shocks you at times, and those moments are the ones which may never be forgotten ever again, similarly Rage was more than astounded when he found out that Ted's favourite colour was not blue like every small boy his age would have a favourite as but black and red. The very same colours he loves at his age. Lavender was horrified, but kept quiet anyway for her brother's happiness.

"Hey there, fighter. What're you up to?" Rage asked, taking two wolf steps before he was on the bed and next to his son. Lifting an arm he placed it on the small back of his, taking a glance at the messy portrait he was sketching and colouring.

"Did you tell Mommy everything?" Ted asked, curiously, dropping the colour pencil on to the book and turned towards his father. Rage dipped his eyes into a questioning frown.

"Tell her what?"

"That you like her," Ted grinned when his father's features stretched with shock, his eyes not believing that his own has seen what he hadn't even admitted in a way to himself. His head whipped up and then he let out a puff of tensed sigh.

"How do you know this?"

"A real man notices another man's misery." Ted shrugged, like this was a normal thing for a boy of his age was supposed to say. Shocking Rage further, but this time Rage didn't let it go.

"Alright, now I know these are not your words, who taught you this?" Rage asked, singled handedly, picked Ted and set him in his lap.

"Uncle Jack, he said it that day when me and mommy went for a sleepover,"Ted said, not meeting his father's eyes, which led Rage fume inside, he knew he shouldn't be angry, but such talks weren't supposed taught to a child and that Fucker of father shouldn't say such bullshit in front of his son.

"You shouldn't say stuff you hear your uncle Jack say from now on, is that clear. I do want to hear those words leave out of your mouth again. Am I making myself clear?" Rage scolded, his hand raised to lift Ted's chin and made him look at his face and into his eyes. It was the only way Ted listened to Rage. Ted couldn't ever meet his turquoise eyes to his father, he was too frightened even when Rage want him to have that fear. At some point he also knew it was out of respect. 

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