You've met your match

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Chloe -

It took over eight hours to get from my old home to my new one. Well, when I say new home I really mean boarding school. This is my last chance at school before my dad blows the roof and sends me to a convent. You see, I’m Chloe Dane; my dad owns stocks in multinational businesses and runs his empire. Last time I checked we were number two on the richest families list. This may excite you, but I couldn’t care less.

I was bought up to the boarding school by my driver, Paul; he’s always been super sweet to me. ‘Is there anywhere you would like to go Miss Chloe, before we drop you off?’ my eyes lit up at his suggestion, ‘Could we go to starbucks? And MacDonald’s?’ I asked him eagerly. Five minutes later we pulled in at the last service station before hell arrived so I filled up on my needs. After a Big Mac and chips as well as a venti hot chocolate we returned to the car and continued the last hour of the drive. I settled down with my full stomach along the back seat and fell asleep.

‘Miss Chloe? Are you awake? Miss Chloe?’ Someone was gently shaking my shoulder. ‘Not now dad, not the convent’ I mumbled back. ‘Miss Chloe you have arrived as ‘hell’ as you so happily call it.’ The voice said again, my eyes snapped open. Great I was in hell. I must’ve slept the rest of the journey as I don’t remember all the trees and green space that surrounded the castle.

‘Come on the Paul, lets find the boss around here so we know where to haul my luggage.’ Together we took off toward what we assumed was the front of the school when some jerk walked straight into me. ‘Hey! Excuse me!’ the guy looked at me, ‘yes, you! Don’t you ever, and I mean ever run into me again. Do I make myself clear?’ I hissed at him. He nodded while running away. ‘Miss Chloe, do you think that was wise?’ I just shrugged and carried on walking hearing Paul sigh before following me. I wasn’t going to let people think they could treat me like the scared new kid when I wasn’t.

Paul grabbed my arm and told me to follow behind as he doesn’t want me kicked out before I start. ‘Excuse me, I have Chloe Dane here, can we see the headmistress please?’ She nodded politely and rang through to her. ‘She said to go straight through, so take a left and go straight down, it’s a dead end to a door.’

I turned on my heel and walked away purposefully with Paul trying to keep up, he knocked once before I barged in anyway. The office was all oak panelled walls, the side walls both full with books and the far a big bay window with cushions to sit on. In front of the bay window was a desk with a comfortable looking chair. Two chairs were on the other side of the desk and there was a sofa wither side of the room in front of the book cases. There were a few potted plants and other homely decorations. Looks like it’s not a cheap boarding school to be paying for your bratty child to go to.

‘Miss Dane, welcome. We’re happy to have you, we-‘  ‘you’re happy to have me? You’re either happy because I look good as I’m a Dane, or you’re just saying it because you know it’s my last chance and a lot of money has been paid, don’t give me and BS’ I cut her off and then sat down on one of the plush chairs in front of the desk. ‘Chloe!’ Paul chided me. ‘Don’t worry Mr Dane,’ now she addressed me and there was no time to correct her with her mistake about Paul being my driver not my dad, ‘Chloe Dane, that is not tolerated in this school, I think you should rethink your attitude to your teachers. We welcome you as you are a bright student who I feel can go very far.’

She then handed me an information pack which included a standard timetable with each classes time, room key, map, room number and a class list. She explained that you had to attend all lessons in the mandatory column and between three and five optional classes. I looked at the lists. Mandatory subjects were: English, Maths and Science and Health, The optional list consisted of: Music, Drama, IT, Religious studies, Psychology, Gym, Latin, French, History, Spanish, Business, Sociology, Media and Art. They were split into categories and you could only pick one from each category. I picked Music, Gym and Art. That leaves me with one spare block to give me one free lesson a day. Not too bad I guess.

The headmistress entered my options into her computer and printed me out a proper timetable. Here they had each day the same for each term which meant that I’d have the same lesson at the same time every day. My day went as follows: Breakfast, Music, Maths, break, English, Art, Science, Lunch, free lesson, Health and then Gym. That sounded like loads of fun, not. 

After all formalities were sorted out, I walked with Paul back to the car and started to unload all my suitcases. Altogether I had seven, crap, I thought I’d packed light, maybe not. Grabbing my backpack and chucking it on my back and picking my handbag up I left while pulling two suitcases and deciding on a return trip while Paul carried three of the suitcases himself. We took them up to my room which I wasn’t sharing with anyone as there is an odd number of girls and odd number of boys so two people get roomed on their own this year and the girl was me.

After we finished taking my things up Paul offered to help me unpack as I had a lot to put away but I declined knowing that the emotional goodbye was near and that I couldn’t delay it any longer. ‘Don’t worry Miss Chloe, I’ll be back to pick you up for Christmas, that’s only four months to get through, okay?’ I nodded and gave him a hug before waving him off and heading to unpack.


This is the first chapter of a story that's being dual wrote, I (Paige) write as Chloe, and my friend Sian writes as the boy who's name I don't know yet.

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