My title was too short, so here is my new and improved title..

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Boyd’s pov

Derek. Finlay. Neil. That’s three, who else could I get? Alastair wouldn’t be up for staying out of campus all night, so he wasn’t going to assist with the planning. He was too worried about getting kicked out. Sure I’m worried about that stuff too, but this only troubles me on the rare occasions I actually risk getting caught. This stuff is baby steps to me, easy. I plan the escape, the night in general. As for the shit that’s left behind; each to himself, I say. I mentally checked off who I could recruit for the start of term party that I always organised. It wasn’t that hard breaking out of the old Castle that this school was based in, although it had been built to be a fort, there were many secret massage ways still left unsealed. This school had been name Castle-view School by its founders. Very original. I’d just leave it to those three guys, I thought. They can get the news round quick as anyone else.

I moved down my mental check list, five new kids; two girls three guys. I needed to sort out some information on them too. Odd number of girls and guys this year. Two single rooms available. I should be able to swap some things around. I’d had a single the year before last and I found it much nicer when there isn’t someone else’s mess all around, or someone to complain when I climb wasted through the window during the night. The worst kind of room-mates hate the whole smoking in the bathroom thing, I mean come on. What could be nicer than reliving yourself whilst having a fag?

There are only going to be two dealers on campus this year. Both had weed (no one dared try it with anything stronger) and both supplying pure vodka. I never get my hands dirty personally. I never do the dealing, I don’t need the money. My father has his own business overseas which does fantastically well and I also have my own shares in other things, under my mother’s name, but they show good return rates.

 You may be wondering how I can run Castle-view so smoothly, well that’s just what I do. I plan, I act. I never fail. That’s what I like about being me I always get my way, even if there’s a chase or a cost. It’s like this with girls too, I see one I want, I get them. Maybe not instantly but it still happens sometime. Like I said, I don’t fail. Now you may be thinking I’m a man whore, but that’s not actually the case; although my reputation says I’m a player (which I guess I am) I still respect the girls I’m with, for instance I would never cheat on a girl. I have morals.

‘Boydie Boy!’ A voice squealed its way into my thought festooned head. Natalie. Before I could drag myself away from my planning she was in my arms and had already started giggling about her antics over the summer. I nodded along whilst trying to recapture my trail of thoughts to work on later. That’s what I loved about my best friend. She’s so naïve she doesn’t realise when I tune out, bless her. This happens a lot because she likes to talk and I like to think. We make a lethal team though, she’s my co-pilot in the school monopolising game.

‘Did you hear me?’ she demanded her way back to my attention, ‘Of course not, you never listen’ Okay, maybe she sometimes realises. ‘Drake grabbed my boob! I was sunbathing in my back garden with him and he leans over and starts touching me! I mean we’re like cousins or something.’ Drake wasn’t her cousin, he was her mother’s twins long term foster son, so they hadn’t technically been raised as cousins. Besides he was only 14, three years younger than us. I laughed at her indigence, ‘He’s got loads of testosterone pumping through his system right now, with your gorgeous body lying there half naked you’re lucky he didn’t try getting fresher with you. Give the lad a break Nat. I would have done the same.’ I winked at her and stole a glance at her bust area, yep, I would have definitely tried that too Drake.

Natalie and I became friends because she’s hot. I’d like to say it was more than that that made me talk to her, but the truth is that’s pretty much the only reason. After a few drinks I decided to heed my grandfather’s advice; ‘Never go for the hot virgin’ He had once told me, ‘They’re nothing but trouble to get in bed and then they become clingy. They think they can be permanent arm candy.’ Well I guess she had become my permanent arm candy but in a good way. She’s closer than any of my guy mates and as for the dating game, we run that baby together. I’ll beat up any guy she doesn’t feel comfortable with when he looks at her wrong and she picks apart any girls that come too close, only letting the decent ones through. She’s also the only person I will ever allow to boss me about. And I hate admitting to that.

‘Come on you, let’s go find out about the new kids before they settle in.’ So we set off in the direction of the castles front office. We walked through a court yard boasting a picnic area and a pond. This pond was abused by jerks as a welcoming ceremony for new kids. I was not a said jerk. ‘Natalieee’ A singsong voice found its way to us. We turned to see Gabrielle pacing calmly towards us. She was so sexy, the way she never rushed. People were just expected to make a way for her. And they did. Gabrielle and I had shared a night together once and I admire the fact she used that the climb the social ladder rather than back down in shame. I kind of felt used afterwards, it was weird. She had become Natalie’s other half since then, not as close as she and I were, but they had that scary bond where girls finish each other’s sentences and have different ‘looks’ to signify a whole conversation passing between them. ‘Where’re you kids off to?’ She enquired after kissing us both hello. I wished that kiss between them lasted for longer..

‘We’re just going to get some info on the new kids,’ Natalie explained. Gabrielle nodded, ‘Two girls three guys, right? Yeah I just saw two of the guys, nothing special. One of the girls has the single room; the other is sharing with me.’ She made a face. Gabrielle didn’t do sharing. We’re very alike. Minus the fags on the loo.  ‘Aww Gabby, I’m sure it won’t bite’ I enjoyed that windup all the more as she hated her name being sorted in any way. She gave me a filthy look. ‘I’ll see you around Boyd. Come and get me before the bash tomorrow night, I’ll find the new kids and size ‘em up. Nat, you coming?’ I watched as Natalie and Gabrielle turned and walked away from me. It was a good sight.

As I slouched into the front office Larna, the secretary looked up from her magazine, her low gaze brushing her eyelashes. ‘Hello Boyd, How was your summer?’ I liked talking to Larna, she was a decent person and besides; she was my information source for all the official on-goings in the school. In return I kept her informed of all the unofficial on-goings. ‘Good thanks’ I smiled back at her. I didn’t return the question; we never asked each other the same thing.  ‘Listen, I need the lowdown on the new kids this year, if you please ma’am,’ She giggled. ‘Don’t you always sir? I took the liberty of pre organising a fact sheet for you on each kid. One of the girls had already come through and I can tell you something for nothing, that child’s a brat.’ I beamed at her as she handed me five copy sheets from her tray and then sorted through some more paper work before producing my class lists for this year. ‘I want to know about them soon’ she smiled as I walked out.

There you go! This was by me, Sian and i'm writing as Boyd (In case you hadn't noticed) I tried to make it longer but it's kinda hard because it's the begining and i don't want to take too much of the setting and general fabrication of the base away from Paige.. I hope you like it, We have no idea what eachother is planning; so i hope you work with what i've said so far Paige! Aha, Upload before i go to america! 

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