First get rid of old junk

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Many many things on Wattpad that can make you look cool.

But First!

Get rid of junk that you THINK makes you look cool, Then we shall get to the topic.

Your profile picture, The worst thing ever. You must be thinking that wearing black RayBan glasses will make you look cool. So you take a picture and set your profile picture as you wearing black glasses,No! Honestly what i would do is get something cool of the internet, I mean black glasses are so old school! Trust me.

Followers, Someone follows you, Do you follow them back? Of course you do because your dum and afraid that they might unfollow you, But trust me, Don't follow them.because when you get a lot of followers people are gonna check your profile and be like

" Man,She/He only has followers because she followed them first "

That's why you should get followers and when you have like 52 you are still unpopular so don't act cool. When you have 52 followers you should only be following 7 people, Later when you decide to take my advice you have like 158 followers, you should be following only 12 people, trust me it  makes your appearance look cooler. Then when people come on your profile they be like,

" Wow, she has so many followers "

And then when you have 1274 followers thank me!

Grammar, You think that you write less on your book chapters and you will be cool, WRONG! make sure you have good spelling because you don't want people commenting, you have bad spellings, you write less and you have bad grammar! I mean read  one popular book with like a lot of views ( 200 views are not that much! ) and you will see what i mean.

But don't write toooooooooo long stories that it becomes a 200 story building, One and a half should do it, because people come and they be like

" Man that's a lot of words "

And they get lazy and don't want to read it.


How to look cool is in next chapter that i dont know when i will update, Now you guys must be thinking, Whose lazy now?

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