A Fated Meeting

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Note :
This is my first time writing fanfiction stuffs, but I'm glad that I'm able to create a story... English isn't my mother tounge and I'm not a robot, so I hope you can tolerate my mistakes and typos... I also hope that you wouldn't be confused with the settings and enjoy the story XD

-Reader's POV-

I just went into this popular university in Manhattan, New York a week ago. I lived in an apartment in upper east side, I just moved last week. There are lots of fashionable beauties in this area, lots of them. I made only a few friends because most of them are rich, nobles or celebrities. I'm just a normal student who went here by scholarship. I admitted that I'm not particularly attractive and I'm not really into the fashion here, especially because they are very expensive. I hardly ever use any make-ups too, so I may look a bit out of place, but who cares.

It was a typical day, I just finished my astronomy class, intended to go home early. But the sky was very cloudy and it started to rain. I took out my black umbrella and waited for a while, hoping that the rain would not be very heavy.

Jenny, Dan, Nate and Serena are my only friends. Even though we're like heaven and earth, but Serena doesn't mind being my friend. There's only this one girl called Blair, Serena's close friend, she was very disgusted with me somehow, not to mention Chuck is on her side too. To be frank, I don't really care about what she thinks about me, but the way she talks pisses me of. She's just naturally a bad-mouthed girl.

I sighed in relief as I saw the rain wasn't that big. I started to walk in the rain. I intend to walk everyday to my apartment since it wasn't that far,- around two kilometers from this school. Suddenly, I saw a person in front of the school gate, he was very wet and looked pitiful. I walked towards him and shared my umbrella with him.

"What the hell are you doing here? Youngsters nowadays are very troublesome," I sighed, his back still facing mine, "Come on, don't act like a kid. You will catch a cold."

He turned around, his face was still looking down. Suddenly he placed his head on my right shoulder, sniffing on my uniform jacket. I gasped and pulled his hair unintentionally, forcing him to face me.

"Hey, can't you be more gentle? Are you a man or what?" He slapped my hand and looked away.

Oh, I knew this guy. A conglomerate with messy brown hair and icy blue eyes. Isn't he Izaac Martin? But what is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to wait for his limo?

"Hey. You hear me? What are you spacing out for?" He glared at me, his face was kinda flushed.

I observed him closely, trying to get a conclusion. He looked like he just finished his classes, so it's impossible for him to get drunk, except if he drank it secretly. But he doesn't stink of alcohol, this is obviously a fever.

"Ah, I see. Go call your limo now, fever-head." I tried to flick his head, but he still managed to catch my hand and gripped it strongly, despite of his condition. He moved closer, maybe he was very dizzy. His hand was very big and warm even though he was all wet by the rain, I felt myself blushed a bit because of the closeness.

"Even my parents wouldn't do that. You got some guts. Good thing that my reflex wasn't that bad." He grinned in amusement and backed off as he started to find his cell phone.

I waited and waited, still holding my umbrella to block the rain as I watched him calling his driver with a hoarse voice. I sneezed. Oh well, the weather's getting cold. He stared at me disgustedly, but then he took out an orange scarf from inner side of his coat and placed if around my neck.

"That thing is important to me. Don't lose it." He stated. With that, he walked out the gate and got drenched again with the rain, leaving me behind, "Follow me if you want a free ride."

This guy's very weird. I stared at him, still standing at the university gate, dumb-founded. It smelled like a relaxing perfume. Oh well, this scarf is warm. I smiled to myself as I started to follow him. He got into the black limousine and told me to get inside. I hesitated, but he doesn't seem like a bad guy,- not to mention he got a fever too, so he would not be able to do something suspicious... I guess.

"Where's your house?" He asked, his breathing was labor.

"I live in the Blue Willow Apartment." I replied as I looked around and found a dry towel on the top of the fridge. I took it and I initiated to dry Izaac's hair. Well, I did this because I pity him and kinda thankful.

"What are you doing, stupid girl?" He asked in a low, annoyed tone, his eyes were feverish and his breathing was still heavy.

"I know, I'm not even your friend, but at least be a little bit obedient because you're sick." I might sound a little bit too motherly, but who cares.

I ignored his curses and continued to dry his hair, "Hehehe..."

He looked up and glared at me, "What the heck?"

"Hehe... It's just... I cannot imagine that someone like you could act like a little boy." I giggled at him, "Sometimes, it's okay to rely on someone, y'know."

"Tch." He clicked his tounge and then he rested his head on my lap, his hair was still damp, "I shouldn't have gone to university today."

Soon, the rain started to stop. He was resting in a weird position, and his large hands were touching my knees. I don't feel uncomfortable but wait... Isn't this a harassment?

Oh my, this is getting very awkward.

We were strangers a few minutes ago, but suddenly we were so close. My heart started to race as I observed his handsome face. What on earth happened? To stop my aching heart, I tried to smother him by covering his nose with my fingers, "Don't act too friendly with me."

He directly sat up and turned his face to shot a glare at me, "You..."

I looked out and smiled in relief, "Oh, that's my apartment."

"Get out." He commanded as he turned his back to my face. I don't know if he was serious or not, but I just got the hunch that he was embarassed.

Thankyou for your kindness, Mr. Izaac Martin." I bowed jokingly, trying to hold my laugh.

I watched the limo and waved my hand until it disappeared. It was a very tiring day... Wait. I forgot to return his scarf. I didn't manage to introduce myself either. Oh well...

-To be Continued-

Note :
How was it? Izaac might seemed distant at first, you will receive his affection soon! ( ̄▽ ̄) I would be glad to read some comments, so I can improve my writings, and please vote if you liked it... Well, I will be updating the next chapter soon, so don't miss it!

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