Ginny's Journal

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-This is a re-edited version of this story that I wrote on two years ago.

September 28th, 1996

Dear Journal,

Hello there.

My name is Ginny. I've heard you're a good help to people who have a lot to say and that it's healthier for me to let it all out rather than keep it all in. I've always been told I had a lot to say, but people can get bored easily and a lot of them can judge me harshly. I don't like and don't want the centre of school gossip to be about me. Unless it's about how awesome I am at Quidditch- that I can tolerate.

You won't judge and whisper about me behind my back though and we'll always trust each other and we shall never break that promise. Agreed? Agreed.

I'm on the train to school, Harry and Ron have gone to seek out the Candy Lady as usual. Hermione is sat opposite me, reading 'Hogwarts; A history'. The girl is always studying. It's the start of my 6th year at Hogwarts (school for Witchcraft and Wizardry) and to be honest, as much as I love the place, this year just doesn't feel like it's going to be the same; preparing for N.E.W.T.S and all that jazz. Merlin, Hermione's doing hers this year, so she isn't going to be as much fun as she usually is, she'll be studying extra hard- like she does anyway, but extra than extra. I don't mind too much, but a girl's got to have some fun. You know what I mean? I just think this year's going to be more tiring than the others. I mean I'm not saying I want to go back in The Chamber of Secrets or anything, but at least there was risk and danger... I've realised I'm a bit of an adrenaline junky, it's not too bad, but I just want to do something.

I have some news though! I am no longer obsessed with Harry James Potter. You've never heard of him, but he's my brother, Ron's, best mate (Ron is in Harry and Hermione's year, they're all a year older than me) and he's 'The Chosen One' everyone thinks so, he just doesn't want to admit it... Yet. He will. In the end. Anyway, yes, I am over him. It's not like we had anything. It was only my love for him, if you could call it that. I was 12/13/14/15. (I told you I was obsessed) Well, I guess I thought it was love. It doesn't matter anymore, we're just friends. I know most girls say that when they still like their crush but I am 100% sure I am over him. It's the main reason for why I'm writing this. Plus, I know a lot of other girls would want him, Cho Chang for one, and Parvati Patil for another. There are so many more, but I'm over him, so why would I fill these pages about him? I won't.

So my promise to you is that I will have nothing to do with any boys this year. They'll just be friends. That's it. I don't want that kind of drama. Well, I hope we will have a good time together, and I hope you enjoy my writings. I hope you help me too. It's you and me from here on out buddy, I hope we'll both make it to the end of the year!

Love Ginny xx

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