They are R here!

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All of the guys came running through the door. "JORDYN" they all yelled greeting me. I waved and made a weird face then smiled.

Hayes came through the door shortly after. I have never met Hayes before. I have watched his vines alot. Matt thinks we r perfect for each other because we are both 13 and have alot in common.

When he walked in we locked eyes. It felt like time stopped. " I- I'm Hayes" he said akwardly. "Hi I'm Jordyn" I said pulling him into a hug.

Everyone piled on the couch and looked at eachother. I am sitting next to Hayes and Cameron. "What do u guys wanna do I'm bored" Taylor said in a baby voice and crossing his arms.

I just got out my laptop and put in one headphone while they decided. Then Hayes grabbed my other headphone and started watch YouTube videos with me. I didn't mind....

Jordyn Elisabeth EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now