Lesson 2#: Interacting

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I'm back.

So I didn't really recieve any feedback, so I'll just continued on. But I got one vote! (Thank you) So I'm happy.

Here goes:

Lesson 2#: Interacting

1. Eye contact.

You need to stand out to him first (so doll up, but NOT SO MUCH), when you do, you have to make eye contact. It may feel uneasy at first, but whenever your eyes meet with his, try and hold it. It makes a little connection between the both of you, when you’re satisfied, then you can walk away with a smile. It helps gives them a hint that you’re interested.

2. Secret Admirers.

Drop little post notes into their lockers, or bags when they’re not looking (No, I am not advising you to stalk. Just drop little sweet comments). It makes them feel appreciated. Say things like ‘Hi’, ‘You’re awesome’ or ‘how are you?’ but don’t sign it. Make them wonder for a while; it keeps them more anxious to find out who wrote them.

3. Online.

You might be surprised at how many guys find their confidence online (like me), it makes it easier for them to interact with you and they’ll have time to give a proper answer, so don’t be afraid to talk to them. Show him a bit of your personality. You don’t know how much you could learn about them from all that chatting, not to mention it helps you both get acquainted better.

4. Smiling.

If you’ve been following my previous advice (saying hellos and goodbyes) then you’ll be happy to know that after a while, you can start smiling at him. Not a fake forced smile, but a casual one. The one you give to your friends. Start smiling at him; it’ll make you look more approachable (which is a good thing if you don’t know him very well).

5. Laughs and jokes.

Make him laugh, it doesn’t matter what the topic’s about. If you do, great! You’ve shown him that you can be fun (but make sure it’s a real laugh. They could be faking it).

6. If you don’t know how to talk to him, ask him about stuff you don’t know.

The topic could be about homework, assignments, or projects, either way, it wouldn’t matter. All you need is something to start the conversation, and then go with the flow, but don’t choose such an impossible topic. You’ll never get a reply. So choose something you both know, but don’t make it  too easy for him, you’ll leave the wrong impression (he might think you’re slow).

7. NEVER end it if it gets awkward.

When things get awkward, it’s best to smile and say something that won’t leave the guy hanging. If you say omething like: “Oh, well it’s been nice talking to you.” Or “Bye, see yeah tomorrow then!” and the run off, it's just weird (For NORMAL guys, it might be okay I guess, but we’re talking about SHY guys here). It makes them slightly suspicious, and they might not feel like talking to you anymore, but that’s only a possibility. But if it does get awkward, smile and tell him something complimenting, or say thanks if you began by asking about work related things and end it like that.

8. Talk about something that you honestly know about.

Truthfully, if you research one of their hobbies on the internet and try to remember every little fact, it’ll end up all messed up. Like Call of Duty, if you don’t even know the game, then you should avoid it. Talk about music, or movies. Something that you'd at least know. And if he doesn’t know about it, you could tell him all about. But keep it short. If you lecture, you’re going too far with the talking.

WARNING: If you ask him to tell you about something that you know you’ll never be interested in, DON’T then. Not only will he get annoyed if he catches you yawning, it’ll also hurt his feelings. Better to be safe.

9. Hangout.

Go watch a movie with a group of friends. If you don’t personally know him that well, ask a friend who does know him to organise a get together, that way, you’ll have fun, and you’ll be introduced.


I’ll be honest, all guys hate girls that lie. Not only does it show that you betrayed their trust, but it also hurts them. Some might act all tough on the outside, yet it’s a whole different story on the inside. We are human too. Guys do have feelings, and you have to be very careful when it comes to a shy guy. They’re more delicate (I guess?) than others, so it’s best to always stay truthful.

This probably applies for us guys too when it comes to girlfriends.


Next time on How To Date A Shy Guy: Lesson 3#: Types of Shy Guys

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