Chapter One

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Nestled in the rolling hills of Northern California, Crestwood is a picturesque town where everyone knows everyone, and life moves at a leisurely pace. The town is a blend of charming old-world architecture and modern amenities, with tree-lined streets, cozy cafes, and a close-knit community spirit. Oakwood's claim to fame is its thriving tech industry, which attracts families from all over. My family is one of those success stories. My dad runs a prominent tech firm that develops cutting-edge software, making us one of the more well-known families in town. This success means frequent formal dinners and high expectations, which sometimes feel overwhelming for a seventeen-year-old like me. I'm Maddison, with shoulder-length chestnut hair, green eyes, and a constant worry about meeting those expectations. While I love cheerleading and hanging out with friends, there's always the pressure of living up to my parents' standards. Which was nothing out of the ordinary but something about the worry on this day was different.

As the school bell rang, signalling the start of lunch time, I rushed to my locker, my mind swirling with thoughts of the impending family dinner at the Lancaster's house. I had no idea what her parents wanted to discuss, but the uneasiness was becoming unbearable. Grabbing my books, I turned to find Katie waiting for me.

"What's up, Madds?" Katie asked, her expression curious.

"My Mom and Dad are dragging me to the Lancasters' for dinner. Apparently, it's important," Maddison replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

Katie rolled her eyes. "Honestly, I hate these formal dinners. Can't you just be normal and hang out with me?"

Maddison laughed, shaking her head. "I wish. But you know how my parents are."

"Yeah, I know. The Lancasters. They're, like, practically family friends," Katie said, rolling her eyes. "Your dad's company and Damien's dad's company have been partners for ages, right?"

Maddison nodded, sighing. "Yeah, my dad's tech firm develops all the software for the Lancasters' security systems. They've been collaborating for years. And apparently, 'keeping up good relations' means dragging me to these dreadful dinners."

Katie made a face. "Sounds like a nightmare. And with Damien there, it's gotta be awkward."

Maddison shrugged, feeling the weight of her parents' expectations. "You have no idea. They act like we're one big happy family, but Damien's just... ugh. He's rude and dismissive, and he knows he can get away with anything because of who his dad is."

"Well, maybe tonight will be different," Katie said, trying to sound optimistic. "Or at least, maybe it won't be completely horrible."

"Yeah, maybe. But I'm not holding my breath."I laughed, shaking my head. "I wish. But you know how my parents are."

"Let's go get lunch. I'm starving!" Katie suggested, leading the way to the cafeteria.

The hallways were bustling with students, everyone either hurrying to get food or to their next class. As we reached the cafeteria, I spot Tiffany Hawthorne, the most annoying girl in school, holding court at her usual table surrounded by her sycophants.

Tiffany was everything that I wasn't. Blonde, perfectly groomed, and rich enough to buy her way into anyone's good graces. She loved to remind everyone of her social status and never missed an opportunity to belittle others, especially Maddison.

"Oh look, it's the cheerleader without her pompoms," Tiffany sneered as they passed by. Her entourage giggled on cue.

I rolled my eyes and kept walking, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of a reaction. Katie, however, wasn't as diplomatic.

"Jealous much, Tiffany?" Katie shot back, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Maddison could do a backhand spring without breaking a nail. Can you?"

Tiffany's smile faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "Oh, please. I have better things to do than prance around in a cheerleading uniform. Like, actual important things."

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