Chapter 12

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Light filters through the window, and I involuntarily blink. My nightmare rewinds over and over again in my mind, the man's voice rings in my ears. Rolling over onto my side, I glance at my watch and see that it is already nine in the morning. Time lost! Reluctantly, I roll off the mattress, find my clothes, and duck into the bathroom. Once I have securely bolted the door behind me - hoping that it will not jam - I glance at the shower and decide to have a long awaited shower. Well, as long as the shower actually works.

To my delight, and utmost surprise, after a good few minutes of twiddling around with knobs, and cold, small jet of water splatters into the bath below. Cold, but a shower.

I hear Luke stirring in the bedroom, so adjust the lock, and throw the paper bin against the door.

'Don't come in!'

Then I quickly undress and stand gratefully under the water, letting the cool liquid snake around my arm. Once I have stood for long enough under the shower, I scan the room for a towel, and have to make do with a hand towel. Once I am dry and dressed, i pick up the hairbrush nervously, and turn to face the mirror. One look at the dreadlocks that frame my face, I hastily bung the brush in the bottom drawer. Why do you need to look good for the public when there is no public? I sniff, and settle on wrapping a discarded ribbon around my knotty birds nest.

Being clothed now, and ready to face the horrors that this day may bring, I struggle with the lock and let myself out of the bathroom.

'You took your time,' Luke grunts irritably. Look who's not a mornings person.
'That's what showers do,' I tell him, ignoring his quizzical expression, 'Is there a hair dryer,' I add. He takes in my hair, dripping wet, causing puddles on the ground, then shrugs and slopes into the bathroom. The door slams behind him and I suppress a laugh. Not a morning person. Proceeding to scavenge around the room, I find an abandoned towel hanging limply inside the wardrobe and rub my hair until it's only slightly damp.

By the time Luke appears, looking slightly bedraggled, I have already packed my bag and eaten, ready to face the day. whatever horrors it may bring. His eyes scan the room, falling on a bag on my bed. I hold it out to him.

'Saved you breakfast,' 

He grunts meaninglessly, and takes the bag from me, eagerly peering inside. His hands withdraw a packet of beef and finally he smiles.

'Okay, lets hit the road before I die from the smell of this place.' he tells me.

I stifle a laugh, and watch as he hastily packs up his possessions and heaves the bag over his shoulder. 'Come on!'

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