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No one believed me that night until it was too late.
                       12 hours earlier
"Athena there's no way you're not going! It's a Friday night!"
               I groaned and covered my head  lying on the lunch table with my arms. A sudden idea came to mind & I shot back up.
                                         "I have a date!" I announced. I shrunk back into my seat again when I noticed several people from other tables looking at me with an odd look.
                  "With who?" My best friend Blake asked while crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow, a signature move she liked to use on me every time she knew I was lying.
Heat crept up my neck, and I shrugged deciding to act nonchalant. "Psh you don't know him..." I waved a hand in her direction.
                         Blake's eyes narrowed. "Give me a name or I'll tell you-know-who about you-know-what."
         I gasped,
                          "You wouldn't." I said in a lethal voice. My own eyes narrowed at her. She opened her mouth,
                                                    "Athena James has a crush on--" I reached across the table covering her mouth. The lunch room quieted in anticipation. When the noise hadn't returned for a minute I held a finger up to Blake. Then faced the lunch room.
               "I'm sorry, can I help you all with something?" I growled, my eyes narrowing as I made eye contact with anyone possible.
               At first everyone was too shocked to say anything, then snapped out of their daze and continued on as if nothing happened. I rolled my eyes & turned back to Blake. "If you must know his name is Jem Finch, and as I said before you don't know him," I spoke evenly.
              "You're damn right I don't know him!" She paused, "BECAUSE HE'S A FICTIONAL CHARACTER! Nice try though," she smirked, and I groaned and resumed my previous position with my arms over my head.
          The lunch bell rung and I faintly heard, "Bye bitch, I'll pick your ass up at 8. Oh and tell Jem to remain in Maycomb," I glanced up and she blew a kiss at me.
     I scowled and picked up my lunch in no rush. Thankfully I had a free period this block.
                              The library was up one floor and down the hall. I tiredly made my way up the steps rubbing my makeup-less face. I opened the library doors listening to the familiar creak they made.
                        "H-7," the librarian, Mrs. Hates called out as I entered. I grinned at her and set my bag down at a table in the back near the H section.

I'll let you in on a little secret. It's not that little actually. In fact everyone knows about it....Anyways, freshman year had been rough for me. My face had been covered in acne and my braces gave me a lisp--yes I know there are worse things in life--. For some reason the kids in my grade and and a few upper class men liked to tease me...relentlessly. Every lunch and free period that year was spent in this very library.
               In the second semester I had somewhat gotten over my awkwardness of being in the library with no friends, and moved around freely not caring about how many people moved their bags in my path to try and trip me. Well one day, I was particularly bored and couldn't find a book, so I made my way up the the librarians desk.
            Before this I had never so much as uttered a word to her, much less in the library. Once I got up there I peered up at her 5'8'' frame and she looked down at my (still) 5'2'' frame. I cleared my throat & blushed at the loud sound it made. I then asked her if she had any book recommendations. She did. Once I had read all of those she proposed a game of sorts.
                         "I give you the first letter of the last name of an author. Then I give you a number. The number indicates which book you read from the letter of the author in alphabetical order. So basically count the number from left to right in the section." I had nodded, smiled liking this idea.

                  I smiled to myself at the memory and continued on my way to the H section which was somewhere in the back of the room concealed behind non-fiction books. The back of the library held the fiction books arranged by authors last names A-Z. All the bookshelves were connected and ran the whole length of the curved back wall. The bookshelves back here had one of those ladders from Beauty and The Beast attached to it and I hated using it.
                For some stupid reason unknown to me the janitors liked to wax the sucker. The amount of times I had almost fallen were too many to remember. I sighed realizing I would have to use it today. I rolled the ladder from the R section all the back to H, and began my ascent.
    H-7 was a small worn book, the title was no longer visible on the spine. The spine was also out of my reach.
               Instead of getting down and rolling the ladder over like a normal person I decided to stretch my tiny body out and attempt to grab the book. I held my balance on one leg, and kept one hand connected to the side rails. As my fingers touched the spine somethings happened.
                 I had attempted to readjust my footing. In doing so my toes slipped off backwards & I began the plummet to my death--dramatic yes-- a gust of wind rushed past me and I closed my eyes awaiting the pain of the fall.
                         It never came.
I held my breath, and popped one eye open. Then the other. I then proceeded to pat my face, and of course grab my boobs.
             I looked up into the face of a boy, no wait a hot boy probably around my age. He held an amused look on his gorgeous face. Pale blue eyes locked on my hazel eyes. His rosy lips lifted into a small smile at my expression which was probably something along the lines of: holy shit I'm not dead. His gaze then moved and I followed it to my boobs, and realized my hands were still somewhat cupping them.
                Slowly I removed them and wrung them together on my stomach. Wait a minute, on my stomach?
    I paused then and realized this beautiful boy was holding me bridal style. My eyes widened and I looked back up at him feeling a familiar blush lite my cheeks.
               "What is going on here!?"
Omg finally!! This took forever even though it's so short ha! Thank you guys so much for reading this, it means a lot. Also I just wanted to say IF YOU SEE ANY GRAMMAR OR SPELLING ERRORS PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT! Trust me I won't be offended it helps me so much! I'll update when I get 5 votes & 3 comments!!
With love,

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2015 ⏰

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