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Malia's P.O.V.

Today was the last show of MAGcon until our 2 week break for Christmas. I was so excited to go home and see my family after 2 months on the road. I love the guys, but sometimes they get on my last nerve and I just want to go home... I basically just stay for the friendship and for the fans.

On the way to the event, I was sitting beside Cameron... Who I had a little crush on, but I know for a fact that he didn't feel the same way about me.

As I was thinking, I heard someone scream and it scared me. I just realized that it was Matt being a T-REX so I just started laughing with everyone else.

I got up to use the restroom when I heard Aaron scream to Cameron. "You did good, bro."
Confused and a little hurt, I just kept walking to the restroom.

When I was done in there, I walked back out to see Shawn singing one of his songs. I got into the room and asked what he was singing. Shawn said he was singing the Cameron Dallas song and then I just started laughing. I sat down beside to Cameron and we started talking.

After about 15 minutes of just chatting and being idiots, we had to stop and get gas so we pulled over to the nearest gas station. Everyone got out to stretch their legs and get snacks.

We walked inside and there was only like 2 people in the store so we all spread out to get snacks - I bought a couple of snacks while the other guys basically bought like the whole store worth of drinks and candy.

When we went to the cash, it came to 107 dollars. We were all shocked and convinced Bart to pay and he did. We brought all of the stuff onto the bus and headed on the road again.

Bart said we were about half an hour away from our hotel but we had to go straight to the venue because we were running late. Because of all the traffic, we all agreed and just ended up taking quick naps.

We were all woken up by the horrific sound of gun shots. I jumped up out of my bunk. Scared out of my mind, I ended up on Cameron's lap since I was still beside him. "I'm so sorry that just scared the shit out of me!" You could tell I was scared.

"It's okay. I would of done the same thing 'cause that scared me too." Cameron replied. "Don't worry... You're safe with me."

"Thanks, Cam." I said.

I smiled and then got off of him. He frowned a little, which I thought was kind of weird considering he had told me he had his eyes out for another girl. I just brushed it off and said a little prayer in my head that the shooters didn't come near us.

I thought wrong. Just as I was trying to think positive, we heard the gun shots again and we all screamed for Bart to drive and get us out of here as fast as we could.

Unfortunately, the engine of the bus turned off and Bart just swore under his breath. "Shoot, we're screwed..." He muttered. After he said that, my heart started beating rapidly and I realized was sweating.

Cameron grabbed my sweaty hand and squeezed it. I looked up at him and smiled a little. He whispered something in my ear. "Everything will be alright, I promise... As long as I'm here with you I'll keep you safe." 

Just as he said that, the doors opened and I gasped in fear. I squeezed Cameron's hand and saw 2 tall guys wearing all black  with ski masks on and guns in their hands pointing them at all of us...

(A/N: okay guys this is my first ever real fanfic... I hope you like it so far. Feel free to comment if I'm doing anything wrong or any request on what should happen next... Thanks!)

Follow my social medias :)
Instagram: @Sofia.piersanti
Twitter: @sofiadallas3

Big thanks to Kiara @chokertattoo for editing this for me (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2016 ⏰

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