Chapter five*

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Chapter 5


            I was on the edge of my seat all day.

            Knowing the fact that Allyson and Claire were out there and that they wanted to ruin my life... The fact that they changed so much scared me. The way Allyson walked up to me, with so much hate and rage, it made my body shiver in fear when I think about it. The way Claire glared at me from across the room, filled with the same expression as Allyson, made my bones tremble and my bones shake.

            "Umm, Allie, you alive?" I snapped out of my scary thoughts and my eyes focused on a smiling Madison.

            "Er, yeah. I was just, thinking," I said flashing them a nervous smile.

            "Oh! Well, we got to go, or we’re going to be late for gym!" Lacy said, checking her watch and nodding at Madison for confirmation.

            "C'mon Allie, I can't get another late note, I’ll get detention!" Madison cried, grabbing my sleeve and pulling me out of my desk and into her arms.

            "Alright! I'm coming, hold your boobs, I’m coming!" I replied, making Madison let go of my sleeve so I could stand up straight.

            "We have exactly a minute and thirty seconds to get changed and into Mr. Call’s class un-noticed!" Madison said, grabbing a hold of my sleeve again while dragging me down the hall and into the changing room, Lacy following right behind us.


            "SETTLE DOWN, SETTLE DOWN, YOU UNGRATEFUL KIDS!" Mr. Call boomed, making half the girls squeal in fright. I rolled my eyes; Mr. Call might seem like a big ol’ lion, but he's nothing more than a big fat teddy bear.

            "As you all know, today we have a free day. You all can do whatever you want, but you CAN'T leave the gym, and you MUST do something productive, like, running, jumping jacks while talking, SOMETHING EXERCIS-EY!"

            I chuckled, only Mr. Call would make the word 'exercis-ey'. I stop laughing as soon as I realized that I was the only one laughing. I quickly shrunk back in my seat, and waited for Mr. Call to assign partners.

            "Alright! Here are the partners:

            Drake and Jacob.

            Brenda and Lisa.

            Fran and Sam.

            Carla and Gabe."

I listened on and on until I heard the names that actually mattered to me.

"Madison and Leo!" Mr. Call yelled. I looked over at Madison and saw her droop her shoulders in disappointment, I guess she wanted Mike.

            "Lacy and Riker!" I saw Lacy suddenly smile, I guess she got lucky and got paired up with someone she actually liked.

            "And for last, Allie and Kenny!"

            I slumped my shoulders, who the Hell was Kenny?

            “HURRY UP AND GET WITH YOUR PARTNERS! I WANT TO SEE YOU GASPING FOR AIR WHEN GYM IS OVER WITH!!” He shouted, snapping his fingers and watching everybody to start hustling to their partners.

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