Chapter 1

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Trilla sighs, putting her necessities into her gold saddle bag. Throwing the bag onto her back, she steps out of her room to her friends. They smile and she smiles back.

"Alright. Let's head out guys." Bowtista says. Everypony nods.

"Oh Trilla!" Celestia calls out to the said pony. Trilla turns around. "Yes Celestia?" "Be careful, I know that sounds mom-ish but please take care." Trilla smirks. "Don't worry, I'll be ok." Celestia smiles. "Alright. I guess I was a little worried."

Trilla runs off to her friends. "Sorry, Celestia needed something." She says, chuckling nervously. "It's alright, Trilla." Lily says.

The lavender unicorn opens the portal to the Siren's realm. They step through the swirling blue abyss. After everypony gets through the portal, they all look around in awe.

"This place is so beautiful!" Yinny exclaims, her emerald eyes shimmering with delight. "It is, isn't it?" Diamond says, smiling. "Look at the statues!" Spooky Sketch adds.

The eleven ponies walk around a bit more before a siren hovers up to them. "Why are there ponies in the realm of the Sirens? I thought ponies weren't allowed here!" She sneers.

Trilla gulps and steps forward. "We were, uh, sent here by Princess Celestia to study Siren magic." The siren glares at the pale blue pegasus. "You may stay here but I'll have you know I am the princess of the Siren realm. My name is Muse Gleam. The only thing I ask of you is that you don't upset us. Got it?" All eleven ponies nod. Muse smiles. "Good." The siren hovers off.

"So." Devious deadpans after a few moments of silence between them. "What do we study first?" Quick asks, looking at Lily. "I have no idea." Lily replies, staring right in front of her.

"Why don't we ask how they get their beautiful singing voices to create that glorious magic?" Bowtista asks in a sweet tone. "That's actually not a bad idea." Atlantic says. "Alright. Since there's loads of sirens, we can all ask one. Mane eleven. Split!" Lily commands.

The ponies split up to ask the sirens. Trilla, however, stays behind. She looks at the watery ground below her hooves. Her reflection stares back at her. Her golden eyes flash a bright ruby color for a second.

She shakes her head, looking back up and flying towards a siren. "Hi. My friends and I were sent here by Princess Celestia to conduct research on Siren magic and I was wondering if I could ask you some questions?" Trilla gulps, hoping for a nice answer.

The siren turns her head. "Oh sure. What kind of questions?" She smiles. "Just basically, how does a siren's voice create magic?" The siren hums in a conflicted way. "I believe it has to do with these gems embedded within our chest." She responds, pointing to the aqua colored gem on her chest.

After a few more questions, Trilla gets the information she needs. "Thanks again!" Trilla calls to the siren before flying off. "No problem!" The siren smiles.

The ponies meet up in the Siren Square to discuss their information. One siren is watching them from afar, but she only picks up little bits and pieces. It's too indistinct for her. What she does hear is, "War." and "Against the Sirens." That particular siren hovers to Muse Gleam's castle at the top of the mountain. "Princess Muse! Princess Muse!" She cries. "What's wrong?" Muse stands up, worried about this siren.

"The ponies! They're plotting a war against us!" She shrieks. "I'm sure they aren't." Muse says. "No! I heard it with my own ears! They're definitely plotting a war!"

"I knew they couldn't be trusted!" Muse slams her fin on her throne. Muse calls in her guards into her throne room. "We have a problem of epic proportions. We have ourselves a war against the ponies." Muse glares outside her window.

Meanwhile, Lily opens the portal back to Equestria. Everypony walks through, unaware of the problem they caused with the Siren realm.

"Today was exhausting!" Devious sighs, stretching her wings. "Yeah. I can't wait to go back tomorrow though." Wolf Song adds, yawning. "Same here." Cubiks says.

While everypony is talking, Trilla is sitting alone; thinking about what she saw in her reflection. 'What was that?' She thinks. 'Whatever. I'll probably never know.' She sighs, walking to her dorm and shutting the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2015 ⏰

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