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Name: SilverHeart
Age: 17-19 (human)
Gender: Female
RPs: Warrior Cat, Cat

Beautiful grey she-cat with dark grey stripes running down her slender body. Her eyes are a fascinating color of blue-green.

SilverHeart is tough. She tolerates and can endure many things. It is very hard to break her.
She is rebellious, if something doesn't please her, she will find her way despite the consequences.
She is smart, she will go off with her smart-mouth, sometimes just to annoy.
She can be very flirtatious when she wants to, she's not afraid to play dirty.
She is also afraid of bigger, stronger cats than she
Once broken, she will submit to every command
She is very sensitive, even though she doesn't act like it

-Mom: SilverFeather
-Dad: FoxHeart (dead)
Kits: none
Close Relationships:
Background: doesn't like to talk about it
Loves: Feeling free. Having fun. Watching sunsets.
Fears: Water, especially fast moving ones. Toms. Living a disappointing life.
Wish: to have someone she can trust, love and protect and will do the same thing back to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2015 ⏰

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