Meet the Others

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Salvation, the word left a sick taste in Fenrik’s mouth. Once the pain of his previous injection subsided and his vision stopped blurring in and out Fenrik could finally make out Dylan’s smiling face. It looked disgusting. 

“Wakey Wakey, I have some good news for you buddy. I do believe your experiment will be a success. Would you like to know what gift I have been giving you?”

Fenrik just stared at Dylan. He wanted to know what was being put into him that much was sure but he did not want Dylan to see him defeated. After several moments of silence Dylan injected Fenrik with a new serum. The pain was instant and Fenrik felt like it hurt more than any of the previous injections. 

“ I have decided to be generous and let you in on our little secret. For old times sake.”

“ How kind.” Fenrik managed to choke out. Dylan merely laughed and forced Fenrik into a sitting position facing a screen. The screen lit up to display a virtual version of himself. Dylan pointed to the figure.

“ The human body is a very flexible thing once you understand where to start modifying it. Forgive me you are already well aware of that. Now by focusing the injections on you in a cellular level we have been able to make your cells much more pliable. If you look at this animation I will show you what we hope to do with you in our next stage of the experiment.” the screen showed high levels of energy being shot at the figure that was now standing in a large capsule.  The body started to shake and vibrate getting faster and more erratic until the body split into four new bodies.

“ As you can see we will literally be cloning you, making three new versions of yourself. These other versions will be exactly the same as you in every way including having all your memories and personality. Well that is at this stage at least.”

“What.. What are you planning you bastard.” said Fenrik

“ That I am afraid is still a secret. I told you enough for now. Get some rest tomorrow will be your big day after all.”  Dylan said something to his assistant and walked out. Not long after that she approached him with a needle. Fenrik instantly noticed it as a sedative.

“ Great just great…” Fenrik blurred out of conciseness.

Fenrik awoke to find himself standing. Once his eyes came into focus he noticed he was in the center of this huge room. His arms and legs were chained to the ceiling and the floor. He tested the strength with his arms by pulling downward. There was no way he would get out of here.  

“Welcome Fenrik. How do you like my greatest creation? Besides you of course.” said Dylan

“Will you just shut up already and stop pretending you are still my friend!” said Fenrik. He could not see Dylan but he knew the bastard could hear him.

 “Very well. In that case lets just start it up and get this over with then.” said the voice of Dylan.  The ceiling lit up with blue lights that zapped around like lightning. They were now filling up the entire ceiling. The lightning began to slowly trickle down the chains towards him.

“NOW” said Dylan and the whole room became consumed with blue lightning. Fenrik screamed as his body started to spasm uncontrollably. He couldn’t see a thing and his mind was filled with pain and hate. This kept on for a few minutes until the blue lightning faded away. His body became limp and he could feel the chains cutting into his flesh. Fenrik could faintly make out three other figures in front of him. They were lying on the floor.  He raised his head and saw a group of at least ten Reds rush into the room and then finally everything became darkness as he let himself give in to the pain.

Fenrik awoke on the floor. When the spasm got to there most extreme he remembered being thrown onto the ground. However now that he thought about it he didn’t understand how that could have possibly happened. Wasn’t he chained to the ceiling? He pushed himself up into a kneeling position just in time to notice all these Reds surrounding him. They grabbed him and pulled him upwards. As they dragged him out of the room he saw what was left behind. There were two others on the floor and somehow there he was still chained to the capsule. That version of him was clearly knocked out.  Did that mean he was the clone?

Fenrik could feel the cold hard ground beneath him. There has been so much pain in his life these last few days that he just wished he could lay like this forever and let the cold floor dull his pain away. Of course that didn’t last nearly as long as forever before he was forcibly pulled up and dragged out of the capsule by a group of reds. His defiance was at its end he just let them drag him in hopes that at least his lack of support would cause them some degree of uncomfort.

Fenrik was furious. The latest spasm had sent him flying onto the floor. By some miracle the force must have freed him from the chains. Maybe it was that cell flexibility Dylan had been taking about. That bastard had made a mistake and Fenrik hoped he could capitalize on it. He pushed himself off the floor in time to see a few Reds right in front of his. He gave the closest one a right hook and punch the guy beside him as well. The fight that broke out however was sadly underwhelming. Fenrik quickly remembered he was a scientist not a fighter. These trained soldiers beat the crap out of him before picking him up and dragging him away although he couldn’t see a thing with his new black eye, his one good eye could see that they were dragging other people as well. Maybe Dylan’s plan did work, were these others his clones? His identity was crushed however when he made a quick look back into the capsule to discover himself still chained to the room.  How could he be a clone he felt so real, so him. The other two clones were sent into a side room. Right before he himself made it to the room his guard shoved him against the wall. Fenrik (could he call himself that now?) noticed that this man was the first guy he hit in his fury.

“Leave me with this clone. I have some unfinished business with him. Don’t worry I wont kill him. Maybe Dylan will finally have a new test subject for his regenerative experiment.”  The other Reds left leaving just the two of them all alone. He knew he wasn’t going to make it now; maybe it was for the best. The man leaned in close and smiled.

“ Nice hit. You might make a warrior yet.” said the man


The man dusted him off and handed him a pistol.

“ I am here to help you escape. Here take this gun and this letter it will tell you where to go.” he said

“Why should I trust you? Better yet why should I help you and whatever little group you are sending me to?”

“Because if you do one day you may be able to get your revenge on all the people here. And because I am the only chance you got.”  The man pushed him into a dark hallway.

“Listen, if you follow this hallway you will have a clear shot out of the complex. From there you must follow the letter I gave you.”

  “But what about you, and what is your name anyway!”

“Lee Emery at your service, I have my own mission before I can leave. And in case you were wondering the reason this hall is clear is because everyone on duty there was secretly under my command. Took a lot to do so this is you only chance. GO!”

Lee pushed him along and ran the other direction.  After walking for about a minute he heard shouting and alarms going off. Picking up his pace he burst out of the doors and ran outside. There was a Red guarding the outside perimeter. The man pointed his gun but Fenrik shot him first. He ran for half a day taking to the forests and lightly populated areas. By night fall he made a small camp in the forest and finally read the note. It told his to head to coordinates about twenty miles from his location, while still in Red Territory this was supposedly a secret camp that could help get him out of Russia. He had to take the chance.  Now that he was free and he knew where he was going he had one last decision to make.  He could not keep the Name Fenrik. Not now that he knew he wasn’t the original. He thought back to a sweet memory from his past. He was ten and this girl named Ginny was all he could think about. She was beautiful and an angel in his eyes.  One day when they were playing together she kissed him lightly on the cheek and called him her FenGin, because they would be together forever.  Forever only ended up being two years before her parents moved away with her. He was devastated and to this day never truly forgot. He was not truly Fenrik, but at least he could be something else. He could still be Fengin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2013 ⏰

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