Chapter 2

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Hey ladies, what can we help you with?" I asked. Then I stopped I looked at the two girls but the one on the right I couldn't take my eyes off.

"Ummm we have meet and greet passes," she said.

"Cool. What are your names?' I asked still staring at righty.

"My name's Natalie and the girl you are drooling over loves you and her name is Nelly," the girl on the left replied. Nelly and I both blushed and walked twoards each other smiling.

"H-Hi,' she said.

"Hey," I said back

Nelly's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe it. I was talking to Niall Horan. He was staring at me. I was blushing madly. "You are really pretty. And you're really cute when you blush," Niall said. "Thanks. you are too! Except for the pretty part you're hot!" I said back. We both blushed again. I looked at Natalie and she was talking to Harry.

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