Beau Oneshot :-)

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Beau was waiting in the car when I finally got out of work. I said goodbye to Craig who kindly walked me to the parking lot as it must have been about 11:30 at night. If you’re wondering, I work at the family-owned Italian restaurant downtown as a waitress. The pay’s not the best but being a student doesn’t come cheap and I need as much money as I can get! Anyway, he gave me a hug which was tighter and longer than expected but I shrugged it off and kindly reciprocated his gesture. I gave him a quick wave before walking up to Beau’s car. I opened the passenger side door, took my bag off my shoulder and hopped in. Immediately, I greeted Beau giving him a massive kiss. He was just so irresistible - the way his snapback tilted at the most perfect angle, exposing the depths of his deep green eyes.

‘Who was that?’, he snapped.

I scoffed, ‘Hello to you too, gosh’.

‘You didn’t answer my question’, he almost immediately replied.

Leaning forward, I tried my utmost to look him in the eyes as he was still staring blankly ahead.

‘That’s Craig, we work together. Why are you getting so worked up?’, I could see his fists tighten as he gripped on to the steering wheel. The veins in his arms protruded and I could tell he clenched his jaws. Beau was blessed with many features and his jaw line happened to be one of my favourites. ‘He’s JUST a friend’.

My admiration was shortly cut, however, as he spoke to me for the third time that night. ‘You looked as if you were more than friends to me’.

‘Are we really having this conversation, Beau. We’ve been together, what, three months and you don’t trust me?’, I replied. ‘I’m telling you, he is just a friend’.

‘Friends don’t hug each other the way you hugged him.’

‘The way I hugged him? You’re outrageous, you know that? What, I’m not allowed to hug my friends now? Hell, am I even allowed to have friends? You’re a jerk, Beau.’

‘Don’t give me that bullshit, you hugged him as if you wanted to get in his pa-’

My hand flew across his face, his cheek soon becoming flushed with red. I looked at him in disgust and for the first time that night, he looked me in the eyes.


‘Fuck you, Beau. I don’t need this’. I figured the man existing beside me was no longer worthy of me and went to open the door. His long arms reached over me, stopping me in my tracks.

‘What are you doing?’, the silence was cut.

‘What does it look like, Sherlock?’, I snapped, bearing no care for my sarcastic attitude towards him. He was a jerk, he deserved it.

‘Don’t be stupid, V’.

I didn’t feel he was worthy of a response so I huffed instead. How could he possibly be calling me stupid after what he said? Beau was my first true love, and I his, but at this very moment, God, I hated his guts.

He started the car and soon enough, we were on our way back to my place. How could he possibly just carry on as if nothing happened? We remained silent for the whole of the journey. I stared blankly out the window and he kept his eyes on the road in front of him. It felt like the longest drive home ever.

We’d finally got to my house when I quickly released my seatbelt, letting myself out the car. I could hear him turn the engine off, getting out himself. I slammed the door shut, and shortly after, so did he. I walked up to my house, reaching into my bag at the same time looking for my keys. My parents were away visiting family in America and so the house was in my care for a few weeks. I was relieved when I found the source of the jangling, thankful that I didn’t have to stop at the doorway to search for them. After all, stopping at the doorway had the potential for Beau to catch up with me meaning that we would be together (not the metaphorical ‘together’ but the actual ‘together’) again. Frankly, I still hated the guy’s guts so I was not prepared to be in such a situation. I opened the door, leaving it open for him as I was still unsure as to whether he was staying the night or not, especially after what had happened. He came in, shutting and locking the door behind him. I walked straight into the kitchen. I placed my keys on the counter, running the tap and opening the cupboards in search for a glass.

‘Babe’, I heard Beau say.

‘Don’t call me babe’.

I turned around to face him, grasping the glass with both hands to my chest.

‘You are so stubborn, you know that?’.

Anger built up inside me. I slammed the glass on the counter, splashing almost all the water out of it. Instinctively, I was getting closer to him calling him all the names under the sun, throwing my hands here, there and everywhere. He remained silent. Before I knew it, we were literally centimetres away from each other. The tips of our noses were almost touching and I could feel his hot breath on my skin. I stared into his eyes, and he stared into mine. Seconds must have passed before we both gave in. I found myself grabbing his head in my hands, sucking harshly at his face. He reciprocated my actions, lowering his hands further and further down my back before hoisting me up onto his waist. We were still attached to each other’s faces when he led me to my bedroom. He opened the door with his foot as all his other limbs were preoccupied. We entered the room, Beau shutting the door with his back. We edged closer and closer to the bed when I felt Beau stop walking. We finally stopped for breath, separating our mouths from each other. We stared at each other, me still hoisted upon his waist as we communicated with our eyes. He threw me on the bed as he started to unbutton his oh-so-tight shirt. I looked on in lust, eager to continue our previous act. More and more of his skin became exposed, displaying more and more of his tattoos. He carelessly shrugged the shirt off of his broad shoulders, teasing me as he went to unzip his trousers. I bit my lip in response. I was impressed at how quickly he had undressed, blushing at the sight of him. After what felt like forever and his snapback still on, he broke the silence.

‘I’m sorry, baby’.

Before I knew it, he was hovering over me. I felt his hand slide up my left leg, teasing me as he began to near my crotch. He gripped onto the top of my underwear, rubbing my hip bone. Burying his head into my neck, he began to suck at the most senstivie part - I was sure he was going to leave a mark. I found myself getting shorter and shorter of breath, encasing my arms round him. Within seconds, I felt both his hands on my underwear. With the greatest elegance, he slid them down my legs, my skirt still on. Seeing the skirt as an obstacle, he pushed it up my waist, exposing more and more of my skin. He neared towards my ear, the ends of his hair flicking into my face.

‘Are you ready, baby?’, he whispered with sensuality.

I struggled to speak, simply whimpering in response with the nod of my head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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